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Unblocking music URLs in FireStorm

Ceka Cianci

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Have any of you guys ever accidentally blocked stations  in your stream list?

I accidentally blocked one of my favorite streams and cannot find where to unblock it from..

I've looked through the whole upper menu and through my preferences but can't seem to remember how to do it..

If anyone knows how to do this, I'd be really grateful to know how..:)


ETA: Nevermind, i found it.. DOH!!

I'm gonna delete this thread.. hehehe


ETA: I thought we could delete threads if it was within the first 24 hours, What the....

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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In Preferences, Sound & Media, click the "Manage Media sites" button. That opens up the little side-window I've shown here. I don't use media filter so my lists are empty but that's where you can remove the ones you've blocked.


It looks like I do use it but I had to temporarily enable it to make that button clickable. If you're not using media filter, it's greyed-out.

Edited by Maitimo
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Thanks, I ended up finding it finally after all and was trying to delete the thread, but I guess we can't do that anymore.. I don't see any option for that now..

I feel a rabbit hole in the making here.. hehehe


I'll leave it now so others that may have the same problem can see the nice graphic you took the time to make..

Thank you for being so helpful and adding the nice screenshot.. :)

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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