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Photogenic sims with pink undertones

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This is for taking a portrait picture preferably looking for sims with soft pink undertones, it can be either nature or  built up places, just looking for that clear soft lighting, and you can also recommend me some others that you recommend ❤️ if you know some that are your favourites i'm also open to try :) 

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I'd search for places that say cherry blossoms or sakura viewing. Those places will have a lot of pink flowering trees. There was a Japan themed shopping event that was surrounded by pink trees and falling blossoms. I don't recall the name of it though. As for the lighting you can change it to whatever you want in EEP.

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2 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

There was a Japan themed shopping event that was surrounded by pink trees and falling blossoms. I don't recall the name of it though.

That must be Sakura Matsuri on the RYUKYU sim. The event ended so it is closed.

Some sims off the back of my head right now that have the cherry blossom aesthetic:
Orchid Island: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ORCHID%20ISLAND/139/76/22
Love Game: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LOVE%20GAME/115/131/22
Lovesick: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lovesick/114/132/27

If you want, I can send you my own pink and lavender-tone EEP settings for photography so you can give your portraits a soft dreamy pink ambience regardless of location.

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