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I am having a neck issue. I have Skyler Head with Gianni body. Trying skin from Stray Dog and have bought tone 4 for body applier and head skin. Please help me. Thank you in advance. ❤


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4 hours ago, Cursd said:

Make sure shine is off on both the head and the body.  Also you're wearing the alpha for an applier body yet using the stray dog BOM skin so the skin on your body isn't actually showing the Tone 4 that goes with the BOM face.  There may be a slight difference in those.

You'll need to use  NO alpha if you want BOM on your body also.  Or BOM head/body, applier eyes.

Edited by Rowan Amore
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You have two issues going on here. The main one is that you're wearing the wrong neck type version of the body. Lelutka Evo heads such as Skyler require the 'SL Neck' version of your Signature body. The 'Default Neck' version that you're wearing is for heads that don't use the newer 'universal neck' fitting that many head creators have agreed upon to help remove that neck seam issue.

The second issue is that you're not using a BoM body skin. While you still need some kind of system skin under your mesh I can see from the alpha you're wearing (BoM head with applier body and eyes) that you're clearly using the applier version of the Stray Dog body skin.

Unpack the BoM set of skins that comes with the Stray Dog Signature body applier and add the correct tone of that. I'm not logged in, so I can't check, but it may be in system skin format or in tattoo layer format. If skin, WEAR it; if tattoo, ADD it. Then set your Signature body to BoM via the Settings tab and switch that alpha layer out for the one that is for BoM head and body with applier eyes.

The neck fit will fix most of the issue, but always try to go full BoM whereever you have an option, as it causes much less applier/BoM finagling and hassle when it comes to wearing other things like full body tattoos that may go up onto the neck/head later down the line.

In addition, do check against Rowan's advice regarding the specular settings on both head and body. You may find them called anything like Environment, Gloss, or Shine, so look for all of those and zero them across the board to check that you have a good skin match. If you do want some shine, you then know where to look to increase them all again proportionately to each other.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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