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How not to see my avatar while it is in the camera field of view?

Yichard Muni

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In a vehicle, we need to see the surrounding, and our dashboard. Problem, seeing both needs to set our camera position and direction in such a way that our own avatar is in the middle, while blocking most of the view (or worse we see the interior of it!! ). Is there any camera parameter or trick to make our avatar invisible, while in the camera field of view?

Thanks to see 🙂


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assuming that you have been thru looking into:

mouselook: Press "M" button on our keyboard

graphics: render avatars: none

alpha layer: Wear only the classic avatar shape and a full body alpha texture

then all that's left is a scripted follow camera which emulates mouselook. Where the follow camera position is slightly in front of our avatar and the follow camera focus is some distance ahead of our avatar

example follow camera script  is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetCameraParams Play with changing the parameters and see what happens


Edited by Mollymews
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Instead of a scripted camera, for things that you sit on (like cars' seats) you can change the prim default camera position: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkCamera

More directly to the original question, you can try and see if an invisiprim works for your needs / graphics settings: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Invisiprim a lot of people are adamant that they don't work with ALM, but they work just fine if you turn off deferred rendering.

Edited by Quistessa
added stuff on invisiprims
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