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Why only one sun and one moon?

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Now that we have EEP we can easily make windlight settings to match our parcels and our moods. I can put the sun right on the horizon for a glorious sunset - in the east. I can if I want to. But why only the one sun and the one moon? That's a bit traditional isn't it? I say we should lobby the Lab to give us the option of extra suns and moons if we want them. Any takers?

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Surely someone could make a sculptie map of a planar surface facing inward to the center of the region, with a counter shape on the other end, and put the map in a very large cubic megaprim. Add a nice texture and a script to make it spin. All at the fraction of the cost and the time and the ease of use compared to what LL would need for making this a standard feature.

[Update] I would like to share with you all the super secret schematics of this world-changing scheme:


I call this plan 'Planet 9 From Outer Space'.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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[Update 2] Here is the Q-clearance level secret plan for the sculptie manifold:


The red zone on the map (columns 30 and 31 and rows 30 and 31 need to be condensed into 3D coordinates corresponding to E and F. The outer areas of the remaining map need to be collapsed inward one voxel. The remaining part can be spread out evenly in a square covering the back side of the source cube. The actual texture for Planet 9 can then be projected on an area corresponding to the square between coordinates 1,1 and 28,28. For this sculptie topology, a megaprim with the dimensions 1024 x D x D can be used, the ratio D over 1024 corresponding to the angular size of the body in the sky. E.g.: D = 100 m corresponds to an angular appearance of Planet 9 of 0.2 x PI  radians across the sky (aproximately 36 arc degrees).

Any question? No? All clear? Great!

[Update] I'm starting to think that E and F only need to consist of a single outer row and column, leaving an extra bit of area for the texture.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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Yeah, so, the planet's planar coordinates need to get color codes between corners 13,13,0 and 243,243,0, if you pardon my decimal...

And, consequently, the outer row and column of the map need to be collapsed to coordinates 13,13,255 and 243,243,255, respectively...


Now, someone only needs to plug in the resulting numbers into this Javascript thingie...

<!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas id="sculptMap" width="64" height="64"/>

const COLORS=[

// coordinates here


var x;
var y;
var i;
var canvas=document.getElementById("sculptMap");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.fillStyle="rgb("+i+","+i/2+","+i/2+")"; // pink noise test



Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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40 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Yeah, so, the planet's planar coordinates need to get color codes between corners 13,13,0 and 243,243,0, if you pardon my decimal...

And, consequently, the outer row and column of the map need to be collapsed to coordinates 13,13,255 and 243,243,255, respectively...


Now, someone only needs to plug in the resulting numbers into this Javascript thingie...

<!DOCTYPE html>
<canvas id="sculptMap" width="64" height="64"/>

const COLORS=[

// coordinates here


var x;
var y;
var i;
var canvas=document.getElementById("sculptMap");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.fillStyle="rgb("+i+","+i/2+","+i/2+")"; // pink noise test



I haven't really followed what you said beyond the first part, but it looks spiffing.

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Oh, boy, what a mess. I should have collapsed the outer two rows and columns into the counter points after all....


But I guess, with the right alpha masked texture, those connecting triangles will be out of view pretty quickly...


And then onto the sculptie...


Ow! I just made a major scientific discovery! The Second Life metaverse is a mirror universe!

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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So here's Planet 9. Could be anything else too, of course, like, the two suns around which Tatooine orbits. But I like Planet 9 as an example...


Something like this, but then 500 times bigger (a megaprim sculptie...):


Here's the sculptie map too. If anyone wants to make some planets themselves:


Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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To a degree, you can have multiple suns and moons.

Make one large texture that has multiple suns or moons on it.

Also consider that you don't need to use the sun or moon as a sun or moon. Here's a screenshot from an anime night sky I threw together. The moon is actually the sun, and the moon I used to create a Milky Way star field effect.


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Some years ago there was a Resident who sold - as a service - his time to visit the other Resident of your choice and “moon” them (he had a selection of animations).

I’m not sure if he quit, was banned or might still be around....

...but if you want multiple moons; he would be the guy to call.


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