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Blake Sea Sirens Isle - Inaccessible!

Dayvana Mocha

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Hello Community,

LL needs to do something against huge boats at the Sirens Isle (Blake Sea)!
This sim got almost inaccessible due to huge lagging caused by boats with 720(!!!) prims and more!

Is it really necessary to show of huge yachts with over 500 prims!?

Thank you!


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56 minutes ago, Dayvana Mocha said:

Hello Community,

LL needs to do something against huge boats at the Sirens Isle (Blake Sea)!
This sim got almost inaccessible due to huge lagging caused by boats with 720(!!!) prims and more!

Is it really necessary to show of huge yachts with over 500 prims!?

Thank you!


I think they've finally cleared the Suez Canal. Maybe you can see if all those involved there are free to help?

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I went over there in a little Larson Logistics Hydro-Hauler amphibian. I started at GTFO HQ in Bruissac, went down the seaplane elevator to the water, boated to Sirens Isle, drove up on the beach, and looked at the big boats. 17 avatars in the sim, most apparently AFK. Kind of dull; usually someone says hi if you go there. Drove back into the water, boated back to GTFO HQ, up the seaplane elevator, up the ramp to road level, and off by road to the GTFO hub in De Campion, where a GTFO Hub Loss Protection NPC greeted me.

Siren's Isle does have a lot of big yachts, many with poor low level of detail models so they disappear at distance. That irks me. You want to be able to see boats before you get close, so you can change course. (If you buy something large, look at it with Firestorm with the LOD factor in the Firestorm bottom menu turned down to 0. That shows you the world at lowest LOD. Don't buy large things which disappear in that mode. It's OK if a teapot drops out of view at distance. It's not OK if a mega-yacht drops out.)

Some avatars with complexity above 100,000. While not wearing much.

The sims and viewers all seemed to be handling this fine.

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People bring their large boats to dance on as they have large decks.  There are a smattering of smaller boats as well though, not every boat is a super yacht.  Siren's Isle has become a party hotspot at certain times like weekends.  There is a social group "Siren's Isle Social".  They're a pretty friendly bunch and often people invite you over to their boats.  If you cannot get into the region itself, you'll find it possible along with others to park your boat in the regions around it so it makes very little difference if you can get in or not.  It has gotten a lot busier during party times due to it's popularity.  It used to be possible to drive your boat right in and easily park but not so much now.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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14 hours ago, Dayvana Mocha said:

I really don't mind about meetings and parties. But is it really necessary to use a 720 prim yacht?

Is anything in SL really necessary?  If people sell them, people will buy them, want to use them and they'll want to use them on wide open stretches of water.  I really doubt they only use them at Siren's Isle.  Unless there is a rule forbidding them, why would they worry about it?

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On 4/5/2021 at 9:52 AM, Dayvana Mocha said:

Hello Community,

LL needs to do something against huge boats at the Sirens Isle (Blake Sea)!
This sim got almost inaccessible due to huge lagging caused by boats with 720(!!!) prims and more!

Is it really necessary to show of huge yachts with over 500 prims!?

Thank you!


some FYI

not sure what is the rage these days, but when the Blake Sea first came then the rage was ginormous battleships parked up the rez zones, chucking physical missiles, shells and other projectiles at the other battleships on the next regions over. Projectiles which would unlink on collision, with particles and really noisy sound effects. If were not sitting then got blown off the target ship into the water

then the aircraft carriers came.  Even noiser. Teams of people, flying their warplanes on and off the ships, attacking all the other big ships and dogfighting with the enemy aviators

720 prims were baby warships in those time


this said. Why people do go to Sirens Isle is because it is the only public region in the Blake Sea which has the parcel radio music stream turned on.  So ended up party island

what the Blake Sea managers could do is turn on the radio stream on some of the other islands. This would spread the party people across the sea

if you want can try asking one of the Blake Sea managers to do this. So that if you go to Sirens Isle and is full of boats then can go to another isle and party up there 



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I agree the sims size yachts are UGLY, and just plain stooopid. Overcompensation for something LOL. The sim is ruined from what it used to be. They take up all the room for other people. Prim and space hogs. They need to get lost and use smaller boats. >:( We're not impressed.

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Maybe someone here can answer this.. as far as what cause a boat to be laggy to other people.. is it the amount of prims it uses? ie the 750 prim yacht, or is it land impact? or the amount of scripts, or poses.. ect it has?


  Like would a 400 prim, 100 LI yacht be laggier then a 100 prim 400 LI Yacht? Or say a 20 prim boat with 100 poses on it vs a 1,000 prim boat with none..

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On 4/7/2021 at 2:05 PM, Sid Nagy said:

All the totally dressed up chicos and chicas partying there are likely one of the major lag causes.
They should at least only throw nude parties.

Oh yeah dude I've seen about 40 avatars at one time there with their dance barges and the other people with their mega yachts and you can imagine the lag all of that makes. It kinda affects people just sailing by on the edge of the sims over. It's like these people claimed the sim as their's and use it as they see-fit and I've noticed a mob sort of mentality there and it is pretty unwelcoming to people who aren't regulars to the sim.

As to that, I''ve noticed another problem in the Blake Sea, especially in Siren's Isle this can become a issue; there is a divide amongst the yacht community and the military community. In my personal experience and a few other people's experiences we've had yacters give us *****e for sailing military vessels. They hate the military and from one of my experiences in particular I had this chick tell me: "I don't associate or friend anyone that has such a background as I find them to be evil. I don't like the military and I don't like seeing military ships" in her own words. I tried explaining to her that the military itself wasn't the problem that it was the intention of how it was used and she was like: "But mah opinion doe" Sure, you can have opinions but it doesn't necessarily mean it's a logical and reasonable one. At that point I knew it was a lost-cause and I bugged out.

Then there's the issue of the SLCG and what not. I got curious one day and asked them why they didn't have guns on their ships for authenticity's sake and she was like: "This is Second Life, we don't need guns - it's not like real life" By that logic I replied back with: "Well, in that case you don't need to pretend to be rescuing people either, I could RP as a modern pirate as much as you RP as some rescue team. That in mind, at least for aesthetic purposes have a gun on your ship? It's in the name, 'Guard' you guard waters as well. Otherwise label it as a 'Search & Rescue' team and get some new paint". Otherwise, it seems to me at times people just make these groups to feel important and it gives them a reason to go around sims doing what they do. I figured maybe it's for clout points or something.

We can sail our ships as much as they can and again with that logic, we can have a military force in SL that 'pretends' just like they do with their S&R. There's no set rule that you can't sail military ships around the Blake, this is a self-imposed rule by the community itself and it's toxic. It's shallow thinking like that that causes other problems in SL, limiting it's overall creative freedom and in other ways this is another reason why SL has stagnated and the user base has dropped considerably.

That and the unwelcoming environments in Siren's Isle drives off new people and that has another affect on the user-base and SL's stagnation. People don't realize it but at times they're the cause of some of Second Life's issues... and yet they for the most part point the blame towards LL. No, it's a combo of both.

There is so much I can point out here... this is just tip of the ice-burg. Not just in the Blake but Second Life as a whole these days. It's *****ing pathetic.

Edited by Simo Vodopan
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On 4/7/2021 at 7:24 PM, Sorciaa said:

Maybe someone here can answer this.. as far as what cause a boat to be laggy to other people.. is it the amount of prims it uses? ie the 750 prim yacht, or is it land impact? or the amount of scripts, or poses.. ect it has?


  Like would a 400 prim, 100 LI yacht be laggier then a 100 prim 400 LI Yacht? Or say a 20 prim boat with 100 poses on it vs a 1,000 prim boat with none..

It is not only the amount of LI (prims), but the kind of textures (seize and number), the number of active scripts, the way the passengers are dressed and use resources.
It is the total package.

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On 4/7/2021 at 6:24 PM, Sorciaa said:

Maybe someone here can answer this.. as far as what cause a boat to be laggy to other people.. is it the amount of prims it uses? ie the 750 prim yacht, or is it land impact? or the amount of scripts, or poses.. ect it has?


  Like would a 400 prim, 100 LI yacht be laggier then a 100 prim 400 LI Yacht? Or say a 20 prim boat with 100 poses on it vs a 1,000 prim boat with none..

Lag is more to do with scripts and textures than with the land impact of the object. An avatar's mesh body would usually cause more lag than a boat (especially if that body is Legacy or Belleza, and even more especially if it has "adult parts" attached to it).

That said, a boat with a lot of poses and un-necessary scripts in it is going to be horrible to actually sail too, especially on region crossings. 

Where land impact comes in, is parcel capacity. If there are enough huge boats, they can fill the parcel so that no-one else can get in. Or, if there are REALLY a lot, they can even fill the whole region, though that would be unlikely. You'd be more likely to reach the avatar limit before reaching the LI limit in a region that's mostly water.

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The problem of huge boat is that it block other to access the sim by its size. It like a new mountain in the sim, 5 times taller than anything there.  beside that, lag is not just caused by the boat alone. Holding dancing party there is definitely one of the culprits.  SL sim, especially the sims in blake sea are homestead, it is a kidder weak server. Anyway, I keep away from Sirens long long time. 

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It's not like the parties are constant and non-stop, they are mostly at weekend evenings.  I've sailed past many times when parties aren't on and there are only one or two really small boats and some merfolk.  In addition, there are many other water regions surrounding Siren's Isle.  Unless someone is going there to party, which would then be hypocritical to complain about it being busy, there isn't much of anything there that anyone is really missing that they cannot get at any of the other islands in the area or at another less busy time.

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