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I expect that it will show textbox for typing message for every choosen channel. But It is doing it only for 1.

integer schannel = 40;
integer tuned = 1;

integer listener;

list buttons;
string mode;
    touch_start(integer num)
        if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
          if(mode != "mute")
            buttons = ["Message","Channel","Mute"];
            llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Current channel: "+(string)tuned+"\nChoose an option:",buttons,schannel);
         else if(mode == "mute")
            buttons = ["Message","Channel","Unmute"];
            llDialog(llGetOwner(),"Current channel: "+(string)tuned+"\nChoose an option:",buttons,schannel);
          llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0),"Only owner has access to it.");
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg)
        if (channel == schannel && id == llGetOwner())
            if (msg == "Channel")
                mode = "setchan";
       llTextBox(llGetOwner(),"Current channel: "+(string)tuned+"\nTune into channel:",schannel);
             else if (mode == "setchan" && msg != "Channel")
                tuned = (integer)msg;
             else if (msg == "Message")
                mode = "send";
                llTextBox(llGetOwner(),"Current channel: "+(string)tuned+"\nType your message:",schannel);
              else if (mode == "send" && msg != "Message")
                llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"\nchannel: "+(string)tuned+"\nsecondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)llGetOwner()+"/about(you): "+msg);
             else if (msg == "Mute")
                mode = "mute";
             else if (msg == "Unmute")
                mode = "";
                listener = llListen(tuned,"","","");
        if (channel == tuned && id != llGetOwner())
            llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"\nchannel: "+(string)tuned+"\nsecondlife:///app/agent/"+(string)id+"/about: "+msg);

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In order for your idea to work there has to be a place in the listen where a string of digits is detected and converted into an integer, and then used as the new listen channel, but the only place I can see where that ought to happen is inside an if(msg == "Unmute") block, so it seems that you have to first of all give it a number and then give it an Unmute command to make it work?

I have to say that the indentation used is making it very tricky to try and spot where things are happening and under what conditions. 


ETA I have also just noticed that you never reassign schannel, so that even if you do manage to open a new listen using the value assigned to tuned, the initial test "if(channel == schannel" is going to skip by whatever is being said on the new channel. 

Edited by Profaitchikenz Haiku
thought better of something
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I never quite know which is worse, doing the wrong things for the right reasons, or the right things for the wrong reasons.

If you've re-arranged things inside the listen event then you have most likely moved the specific lines that open the new listen up into a higher level block so that they are now directly accessible to the string of ifs. Or, you've moved some of the statements out of the block controlled by (if channel == schannel) so that they are now being processed on the new channel number.

If you've saved the evolving versions of your script you can take the most recent and the preceding versions as files into the Context editor and use the compare option to do a side by side comparison to see where the changes are and hence work out why it now does what you want it to.

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