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If Noob You could see you now...

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If Noob You could see you now, what would Noob You think about your SL?

Noob Greg would say, “You mean to tell me that we wear another head on top of our regular heads?”  And then look at my two Linden homes and be like “awwww sheeeet we fancy now!”

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N00b me would discover that my SL Partnering from 2005 was still alive and well.........and be completely flabbergasted.

That's over three times as long as my most significant Real Life relationship and truthfully; it means a lot more to me.

N00b me would probably come away from that *slightly* less cynical about relationships 🙂


Edited by Amanda Crisp
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I was a teenage SLer, (29 now btw.)

Young & n00b me would be wondering how I can hang out in adult setted sims and not engage in the activities, how we went from a bright annoying neon cheetah to an albino bunny while be amazed at how well we're dressing now.

Then I'd tell noob me to never lie about their age because that's how we lost both accounts.

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If noob me could see me now, she would be completely blown away by how good I look now compared to back then. I had no idea where to get skins with the makeup I like, the hair that I liked was always too expensive and the clothes that I liked were hard to find. So if my 2008 me would see my 2021 me, she would be flabbergasted and become impatient for 2021 :D 

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Noob me: tsk tsk look what have you become!

I miss my noob days, where I only explore and be mind blown by everything i see, I miss the days where I can not wait to login back to explore more worlds and not knowing what I'll find next, couldn't careless about anything else, and my wallet was so fat!

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I had a moment back in 2006 when I saw a really nice avatar walk by me. She had a nice shape, an AO, blonde prim hair, an orange dress with a flexi skirt attachment, prim shoes, jewelry, makeup. It still remember it after so long. I looked at my starter avatar with her system hair and her system skin with a shape that was made from countless adjustments in a t-pose. I felt like absolute garbage. I think that's what my noob self would feel if I saw myself now. 

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Noob me DOES see me now. Sorta.

At least once a year I create a new avatar ... go though the current noob zone, and then I go to Freebie Galaxy and remember the glory I felt as I wandered around looking at all the stuff for the first time.

The sense of potential, the realisation that I have complete control over how I look, the growing anticipation as I add items to my inventory,  the excitement as I find a place to try on my acquisitions, the confusion as I contemplate the stuff in the box, the delight as I learn how to put all the various items on, the dawning realisation that I can mix-and-match things to make my own combinations, the exaltation when I find a hair that I like in the giant box of hair the majority of which are crap ... the dawning realisation that I'm gonna have to be very careful or I won't be able to find ANYTHING in my inventory

I've managed to recapture that wonder each time.

Obviously for me the first real WOW moment was making my avatar into something I liked. For others it might be exploring, or the first time they rezzed a prim, or took a photo of something ... but whatever it was, if you find a way to revisit that moment, I think SL remains a wonderful place.

I feel truly sorry for those who aren't able to see SL again with noob eyes.



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I joined SL in 2006 but my noob self would probably still recognise me. I have mesh hair and a lot of my clothes are mesh but I still use a system avatar of roughly the same shape and size as then - but better. I did create my own skin a few years ago (as in right-hand image) which I did with the aid of my OpenSim standalone, where I could repeatedly upload the textures as I made changes, free of charge and quickly. I don't think I was entirely noob in the left-hand image as I'd already progressed from system hair to flexi of some sort. I even found the same building in my inventory! noob2.jpg


Edited by Conifer Dada
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My noob self would probably pull up 2 comfy chairs and settle in for a long conversation. "So, we're a woman now..... and you tell me I won't need to camp anymore for L$ because we build and sell things? I'm liking this, go on....."

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