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Walking Sideways


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I noticed when I have my Tuty's AO Sexy Walk  on and I am walking my avatar looked like she was waking sideways. I also notice when it is not on and she walks she tends to looking she's sliding forward and not walking. How can I check these odd glitches?

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It could be another pose or animation is running on your avatar. You need to start by removing everything attached to your avatar including huds and checking if you walk normally using the standard system walk. If that works, you can try wearing just your AO to see if it walks correctly. If it works then you can try adding things one at a time to see if a certain attachment or hud is causing the problem. 

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1 hour ago, sassywheelz said:

I noticed when I have my Tuty's AO Sexy Walk  on and I am walking my avatar looked like she was waking sideways. I also notice when it is not on and she walks she tends to looking she's sliding forward and not walking. How can I check these odd glitches?

Is your camera set correct, so it shows you from the back and not fram the side?


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17 hours ago, sassywheelz said:

I also notice when it is not on and she walks she tends to looking she's sliding forward and not walking. How can I check these odd glitches?

I have noticed that when I wear an AO and its off it does this, removing the AO intirely fixes it.

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I alternate between the built in Firestorm Viewer AO and a HUD AO, which I need when I change over to the Black Dragon viewer. If I forget and leave a HUD AO on in Firestorm I will be sliding. On or off the HUD AO will start me sliding if the Firestorm AO is on. I can disable the FS AO and the HUD AO works OK.

Some time ago we got a new type of AO. It might be more technically correct to call the new one an Animation Replacer. The idea is the replacer tells the server to replace the system default animations with the set it provides. An older Animation Override simply plays an animation that overrides the default animation the server is saying to play. It has to keep asking the server what your avatar is doing, walking, running, flying, etc. Then it plays the appropriate animation to override the server's animation.

If you mix the two types of AOs, things get confused and lag dependence makes things inconsistent.

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