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Tifa - Look a like


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A group I am a part of is holding a look a like night and I wanted to go as Tifa, Below is what i managed to get from my own inventory but any suggestions for the skin, boots, gloves and any other accessories would be most appreciate, it's mostly the skin and face that seem the be the biggest challenges.


Thank you for any input or suggestions.



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Perhaps a Mudskin skin with very little makeup. You might be able to recreate her boots by getting boots for men which would have the wider calf portion. Maybe add some black arm warmers. The rest of her gear seems to be things you'd find classified as cyberpunk. 

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On 4/4/2021 at 11:58 PM, Sid Nagy said:

Looks close enough to me.
Just wondering who Tifa is.

An influential videogame character from Final Fantasy. She embodies the spunky brawler archetype and is a popular cosplay at conventions. Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer but more Japanese Anime.

Her design has also famously started a few controversies over the years. After some criticism that her bodytype had unrealistically large uh... assets, her later designs were more constrained.*1

Which in turn got people flustered, there was talk about big bust erasure. Counter movements formed - and counter-counter movements and... we all know how Twitter is known for well thought out, reasonable and calm arguments.


1 - They must not have seen what passes as small bust in Second Life. 


/edit: Whoops, missed the topic by a wee tangent. I think it is reasonably close. I would have recognised it immediately.

I think either Hilly Haalan (maybe? Will check when on PC later) or Pure Poison had boots quite like that as part of their group gifts or clearance sale.

Edited by ValKalAstra
Swerving back on topic
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On 4/4/2021 at 8:05 AM, KellyRose52 said:


A group I am a part of is holding a look a like night and I wanted to go as Tifa, Below is what i managed to get from my own inventory but any suggestions for the skin, boots, gloves and any other accessories would be most appreciate, it's mostly the skin and face that seem the be the biggest challenges.


Thank you for any input or suggestions.



I don't know if your look a like night is over yet, but I saw these boots on mp that look so similar to your pic:


... and a cheaper but not full perm version https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AmAzInG-CrEaTiOnS-Steampunk-Western-Boots-Female/16430094


If it has passed already, hope it was fun!


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