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17yo sl newbie looking for friends ^^!


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hi!! i'm a 17yo who joined sl a few days ago and i've found that its harder to find people my age on here. so i'm posting here to hopefully find some friends! i'm american (est) and looking for ppl who are also minors or under 21. i'm queer, disabled, and really into roleplaying and old web aesthetics. i'm also plural so sometimes a "we" slips out instead of an "i" ^^; feel free to im me in game @ owlsys!

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Hii! I am also a minor, female, and bi(taken)! Though im quite introverted, i'd love to talk to you sometime! It's very difficult finding people around my age range on SL and hard to get a grasp of the game but if you'd like we can explore and go through journeys together! (Just a reminder, don't let anyone put you down for being plural, you're just like everyone and have a special place in this world :D) I hope we can chat soon and hang out sometime :)


(Edit: my @ CelestialLhaun :))

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