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Restoring deleted Days/Skies/Water environments inventory folders?

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How can deleted environments library inventory folders be restored (Days/Skies/Water) which have been accidentally deleted?

Using FS Viewer's latest version.  Attempted just to reinstall the viewer but the files were still missing.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Thanks. 

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If you kept Firestorm backups (of COURSE YOU DID!) then you can use the backup-restore option in the viewer to reset your viewer settings (see important EEP note below though)  -- this assuming you have one with the deleted skies that is close enough to your current settings not to mess things up. 


If this is an EEP issue you may need to go back to the non-EEP viewer and RESTORE in order to get your Windlights back so that you can UPLOAD your Windlights and turn them into EEP.   Everyone loses their personal Windlight when updating to the EEP viewer. Hopefully you have backed up your personal Windlights.    You can get all the old Windlights made into EEPs on the Marketplace for free. I imagine a search will find those easily. I did find them.   Many of the old 3rd party viewer Windlights have been added to the viewers (including Firestorm) so some are already there.   


I know I am forgetting some newer info on this but someone else will remember hopefully.


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