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1 answer to this question

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It's a little hard to tell from the tiny amount of information you provided.  Which "sim" are you talking about, or do you mean that things freeze when you go anywhere?  I assume that you mean that things freeze when you teleport to a new region, but do you mean maybe that you freeze when you log in to SL?  Do you get an error message?  Have you tried logging in to a different region?  Which viewer are you using?  Is this a new problem?  Have you ever connected well before?  What other things have you changed recently?  What sort of computer are you using?  How are you connecting to the Internet? Can you provide basic information about it ? (  Open the login screen but do not log in.  Just click HELP in the upper left corner of the screen and then select About Second Life -- or About Firestorm or whatever your viewer says.  Copy the information and paste it back here so we can see it. )

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