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Short-Term Sim Rentals

Jennifer Boyle

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I remember reading that LL offers short-term rentals of sims for one-time events. I searched and could not find any information about it.

I am thinking about hosting a large event for which it would be desireable to have as many avatars as possible in a sim.

What kind of short-term (a few hours to a few days) rentals are available from LL? Where do I find info? Are such rentals available from third parties?

Thanks to any who can help.

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1 hour ago, Jennifer Boyle said:

I remember reading that LL offers short-term rentals of sims for one-time events. I searched and could not find any information about it.

I am thinking about hosting a large event for which it would be desireable to have as many avatars as possible in a sim.

What kind of short-term (a few hours to a few days) rentals are available from LL? Where do I find info? Are such rentals available from third parties?

Thanks to any who can help.



also 3rd party landlords ( not all) can be asked.. see for several ones at the estate rentals.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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