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Blackdragon Viewer

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4 hours ago, Janet Voxel said:

Ocurre con bastante frecuencia, lo he visto varias veces en eventos de compras y otros lugares. Es un tipo especial de persona que lo hace y lo hacen en voz alta. No creo que tenga nada que ver con la sexualidad, tiene más que ver con la búsqueda de atención.

Dicho esto, creo que hay una forma de desactivarlo en BD. No es tan simple como hacer clic en un botón en FS.

good if you know how it can be removed, can you tell me thank you

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3 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

I'd love to give BD a spin even if I only ended up using it for posing and pictures instead of my everyday viewer. 

Try WINE,  works for me. And, while rendering of alpha hairstyles (Stealthic, Doux, new Truth, etc) was greatly improved in Firestorm 6.3.9, Black Dragon still does a better job. For example I don't wear many new Magika designs because they are still affected by this bug but I can take nice photos of them in Black Dragon.

Edited by missyrideout
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39 minutes ago, missyrideout said:

Try WINE,  works for me. And, while rendering of alpha hairstyles (Stealthic, Doux, new Truth, etc) was greatly improved in Firestorm 6.3.9, Black Dragon still does a better job. For example I don't wear many new Magika designs because they are still affected by this bug but I can take nice photos of them in Black Dragon.

Thanks, I'm going to have to figure out how to do that first.  I tried once before to install something using WINE and all I got for my trouble was some arcane message from a Windows-looking message box.  I had no clue what went wrong or how to fix it sadly so it went nowhere.  If it is install and go though then I have a fighting chance.

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3 hours ago, Janet Voxel said:

It's a pretty good viewer. I've been using it more and more since, once you get it set up like you want it, it takes your SL experience to another level. It's missing a couple of QOL features that FS has which makes FS a little more user friendly and intuitive. I tried a couple of other viewers too and a lot of the features and buttons BD has are in the same places those are. So really, I think FS is unique in that regard.

The only down side if you start using it more: Since it reports complexity differently there are some sims you can get banned from because your body and head are reported at like a griefer level complexity. There's been a couple of sims I've been boomeranged back home while I was using BD. It's kind of funny, but a 24 hr ban isn't.

This should no longer be true.

BD does not report the complexity values untranslated anymore unless you are using outdated versions of course. 3.9.6 reintroduced the original complexity (for reporting purposes) while keeping the modified complexity for rendering purposes. Why it took so arguably long to change this is because of multiple reasons making this a very controversy topic for myself. While i do agree that people with high complexity should be punished for it i'm not fine with people getting banned for essentially using what i consider a more accurate complexity number that surfaces bad optimization a lot more aggressive when the scripts doing so are configured for what would be considered a still decent avatar in these complexity calculations due to the script being based on LL's ass complexity that punishes perfectly fine avatars. Also reports of such bans were super low (around every few months a single one) but they recently had gotten more and so i felt it was time to act on it.

Update 3.9.6 came start of February, i'd expect you to have this update by now. Should you still see bans with the latest versions i suggest you report it ASAP. According to the test scripts i used it worked fine though, i'm sure we can figure something out (and have your avatar tested against the LL Viewer) since you might simply be so weirdly complex that even the LL complexity will net you a ban.

3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Wow. It hadn't occurred to me that BD was actually reporting its own complexity calculations to the platform untranslated. What on earth is the point of that? Other than to disadvantage the users of the viewer.

There was no point because these numbers were reportedly getting ignored according to LL, so everything was fine. It wasn't until complexity based ban scripts were reported to be causing issues. Hence why i fixed it.

2 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

If I remember rightly it was something complex and important, like "reasons" and "not wearing pants. ever. even to Linden meetings"

Paging @NiranV Dean

Sad you apparently don't remember a single detail of why i hate complexity so much when i've gone through it in much detail many many times why complexity in its current official implementation is beyond bad. But to cut it short: ultimately i decided to change it because it was outrageous seeing a human avatar with multi-million polygons and over hundreds of megabytes worth of textures having roughly half the complexity as my avatar with merely a fraction of the polygon count and memory usage. Just because a couple flexis or a couple lights are "apparently" (according to LL) twice as bad as a fully rigged and animated multi-million polygon avatar that requires extensive GPU resources and (with deferred and shadows on) basically eats your CPU resources single-handedly too.

It took quite some "persuasive" work to get LL to acknowledge that complexity is bad and needs to be overhauled.

On 3/31/2021 at 12:31 AM, Orwar said:

   Nah, I'm a Firestorm user. The BD UI is so out of place for me, I can't be bothered even for photos. I don't see the point of moving some of the basic photo editor functions from an actual photo editor to the viewer .. Except for people to squeal about how their photos are 'unedited' or 'raw' because their photo editing wasn't done in an editor but in the viewer. Shrugs.

   The poser is a really nice feature, but since I make my own poses I don't really need to adjust them in-world .. So, meh. I guess the only thing left is the camera rolling feature, which is so over-used by now that every other blog pic is shot sideways. Sometimes being conservative is to be rebellious!

Even if you make your own poses, the Poser has its place and is probably especially because of that for you. Making poses outside of SL and directly inside SL with the very environment and avatar currently around you at any given time is a completely different thing.

On 3/31/2021 at 2:07 AM, Wulfie Reanimator said:

I like everything Black Dragon (and its developer) stands for, but monke brain is small so I'm stuck primarily using Firestorm.

Curious, what do you think i stand for?

18 hours ago, ValKalAstra said:

Perhaps I've worded it too strongly. Firestorm has the option to turn off camera pointers (the crosshairs) while at least a while ago Blackdragon took the stance that these stay in. Or more precisly it would be DIY, which I could not get working beyond creating grey ghost crosshairs. To me, unless I'm actively taking a photo, the camera is something I tend to zone out on and I've run into nasty trouble in the past because of it. Went to a shopping event with these on, chatted with a friend on the side and suddenly got a wall of hate about "ogling" someone's man. Just... no.

But I realise the other side of the argument and also respect the creator's wishes. If calling it a drama-magnet came on too strong, I apologize.


I've had quite many of these reports. I hate people causing this drama and i hate Firestorm for supporting this drama so much by including the option to show names on LookAts as well as (apparently also connected lines) offering the very much controversial option to hide your own while showing others... it's a drama match made in heaven.

6 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, now I just feel a bit insulted that no one has ever confronted me about it. Maybe I need to try harder to cam on people?

Every single time i got a "drama" report due to LookAts i went out to the reported place and started extensively camming people all over the place, idling on them for up to half an hour. Needless to say i haven't had a single person IM me yet... maybe i'm too obvious about my intentions...

5 hours ago, Laurel Aurelia said:

I love Black Dragon, and all of its picture tools. I have figured out how to get movement controls sorted for my use, and would use it full time if I had area search and the built in ao functionality. I use  area search a lot when decorating  as I am prone to send an object scuttling across the region when I am trying to move it into place. It's also helpful when I am at sales events, and I know what I want to find. Places like the skin fair are legit a nightmare without it. 

Area Search has been requested many times and declined every single time for many reasons, some of which popped up over the years as i learned more about how the Area Search apparently works. Area Search from what i get heavily taxes the server because it is sending mass properties requests for each and every single object thats going into this list, this is due to the limitation of the Viewer not knowing certain properties like name, description etc which have to be specifically requested per object. Now imagine 20 people running around with Area Search and bombarding the server with requests. I'm surprised this hasn't gone through as ToS violation as it is essentially a stress test on purpose. LL could at least give us a way to file a single server request to get all properties of all objects on the SIM... you know... like the interest list.

Built-in AO is declined due to it requiring a bridge to the inworld animation functionality or (if you do it manually by requesting to play an animation) is highly inefficient, subject to lag and unreliable at best. We have had serverside AO scripts for years now but we haven't gotten a way to communicate with the server and use these features directly from within the Viewer yet (i requested this to be added and i also filed a JIRA about it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-230100). When they finally add this, i'll add a built-in AO.

Edited by NiranV Dean
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1 hour ago, NiranV Dean said:

Curious, what do you think i stand for?

What I mean is everything you talk about regarding SL issues and how you've put them to practice in your viewer.

Especially rebindable keys, Complexity, and the poser, off the top of my head. The server-side AO is another example, and I know you've made a free full perm AO of your own.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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1 hour ago, NiranV Dean said:

This should no longer be true.

BD does not report the complexity values untranslated anymore unless you are using outdated versions of course. 3.9.6 reintroduced the original complexity (for reporting purposes) while keeping the modified complexity for rendering purposes. Why it took so arguably long to change this is because of multiple reasons making this a very controversy topic for myself. While i do agree that people with high complexity should be punished for it i'm not fine with people getting banned for essentially using what i consider a more accurate complexity number that surfaces bad optimization a lot more aggressive when the scripts doing so are configured for what would be considered a still decent avatar in these complexity calculations due to the script being based on LL's ass complexity that punishes perfectly fine avatars. Also reports of such bans were super low (around every few months a single one) but they recently had gotten more and so i felt it was time to act on it.

Update 3.9.6 came start of February, i'd expect you to have this update by now. Should you still see bans with the latest versions i suggest you report it ASAP. According to the test scripts i used it worked fine though, i'm sure we can figure something out (and have your avatar tested against the LL Viewer) since you might simply be so weirdly complex that even the LL complexity will net you a ban.

Good to know! I have the latest version, I just stopped using it when I went to those particular sims. I do recommend to people with decent PC's to give it a shot. 

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1 hour ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

What I mean is everything you talk about regarding SL issues and how you've put them to practice in your viewer.

Especially rebindable keys, Complexity, and the poser, off the top of my head. The server-side AO is another example, and I know you've made a free full perm AO of your own.

Ah. Yea that makes sense i guess.

I do what i can, i wish i could do more.

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1 hour ago, NiranV Dean said:

Sad you apparently don't remember .. . ultimately i decided ....  outrageous seeing a human avatar with multi-million polygons and over hundreds of megabytes worth of textures having roughly half the complexity as my avatar .....  Just because a couple flexis or a couple lights are "app.............ice as bad as a fully rigged and animated.............res extensive G...........with deferred and shadows on) basically eats your CPU resources single-handedly too.......

See, I knew it was something to do with you never wearing pants !

1 hour ago, NiranV Dean said:

Area Search has been requested many times and declined every single time for many reasons ... 

You know you can pinch ours from Catznip, right? Searches a users parcel and is based around the data supplied via pathfinding. Addresses the "I lost a thing on my land" use case.

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40 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

See, I knew it was something to do with you never wearing pants !

You know you can pinch ours from Catznip, right? Searches a users parcel and is based around the data supplied via pathfinding. Addresses the "I lost a thing on my land" use case.

Whats the difference to the parcel info where you can get the list of objects of different people? Does said info even give you individual info about objects or is it just base "hey i exist, i am over here" info (kinda like the minimap highlights your stuff), more importantly: if its based on pathfinding does it work without Havok?

I have fully clothed versions of my avatars still using only a fraction of other people's avatars. I never use them of course but i have them... for scientific purposes.

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I would really like to try to use Black Dragon I downloaded it but I cant see where to change the lighting or time of day. Sorry I must be missing something, I found the sidebar is that how you do it?

Is there a video I can watch that would help, sorry if these are stupid questions.

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9 hours ago, Michalya said:

Its ok have found out how to do it so no need for answers ty

If only it were that easy to disperse a forum feeding-frenzy @)


18 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Thanks, I'm going to have to figure out how to do that first. 

Try Play on Linux, it makes setting up a wine instance and installing the required programs quite painless (after you learn how to click through some of the prompt that appear to be asking you to make a decision :)

In short:

Install Wine

( Apply the fix @animats suggested in another thread and create a disk serial number for your Wine  "hard disk", I'll have to rustle up bits of paper to recall exactly how I did that)

Install Play on Linux

Download your Windows installer for the viewer in question

Fire Up Play on Linux

Go to install

Find the well-hidden "install an unlisted application" button

locate your installer

Go for a "fresh Wine instance" for it

Once you get to the "create a shortcut" phase it will appear to be stuck in a loop of wanting you to create new shortcuts ad infinitum, skip that after you've done it once, look for the desktop icon it has created for you, then click-and-go.

I haven't so far installed BD into Wine, I've had good results with Catznip, Firestorm, Singularity, Alchemy Beta, and the official LL viewer. However, because I'm running Linux on a nearly 20 year-old 32-bit machine I've only tried the 32-bit versions of those viewers, and I'm not sure Niran's released such a beast (It would be good if he did such a pocket dragon but I understand why he probably won't).



Edited by Profaitchikenz Haiku
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I really liked Black Dragon back when I was using it.

But in the end I stopped because I could never figure out why some textures right around me, like perhaps my own skin and the floor I was standing on... would never fully rez, and textures 57 regions off the to left, down 3, and up 763m... would snap into place instantly. It was just so... random... in texture rendering priority, and seemed to always favor the things furthest away in both distance and my current camera angle. Whatever the issue was, I seemed to be the only one plagued by it, so I just gave up in the end.

Keep intending to give it another try and see if an update has cleared out whatever was wrong for me with it.

I do often refer to it's complexity numbers when talking about what's really laggy in SL. Whether or not you agree with the numbers he chose @NiranV Deanis correct in how he 'sorts out what is important and what is not' So if he says X is 1 million and y is 2 million... Then I know Y is twice as 'troubled' than X... even if I would be just as happy if the numbers were 10 and 20... It's the scale and sorting that matters, and LLs complexity formula has that wrong.


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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I keep trying to get to grips with Black Dragon, but I always end up quitting it feeling stressed.

I feel like every task I try to complete using Black Dragon I am always encountering cognitive dissonance. Nothing is where you expect it to be, and things you expect to find just aren't there.

For example, one of the first things I try to do in most viewers is change the Graphics settings. In Black Dragon, every single part of that process was a pain point. Finding the preferences was not intuitive, it was under a button called 'Dragon' (??) and then the Preferences window.. look for Graphics.. can't find it.. They've renamed it 'Display' .. Expect that the first settings shown are some kind of simple high/medium/low control.. Instead shown font size and texture memory management.. In-fact I couldn't find such a simple setting anywhere.

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it's been my everyday viewer since it was "resurrected" (forked seems too mild a term) from its predecessor.

I get along with Niran's UI choices mostly, and the ones I don't are no greater a hassle than the few that bug the stuffing out of me on any other viewer.. (Don't tell him that, he'd just start ignoring me when I pester him on Discord) but then, I'm a geek and the granularity of the graphics controls is a huge plus point to me - in addition having a reasonably high-end graphics card means I can turn most of them up higher than the LL viewer can do and still get perfectly fine framerates. I'm more limited by the bandwidth downloading all you horribly unoptimized folks than I am by my hardware actually rendering you :)

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1 hour ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I could never figure out why some textures right around me, like perhaps my own skin and the floor I was standing on... would never fully rez, and textures 57 regions off the to left, down 3, and up 763m... would snap into place instantly. It was just so... random... i

I have been puzzling over this for well over a year, and in many different viewers. I have tried experimenting on a standalone where I can control both the sizes and positioning of the textures.

It doesn't seem to be due to the size of the textures (which I was desperately hoping would be the case)

It's not the distance or whether it's behind or to either side of you.

All I can conclude is that it's to do with how quickly or otherwise the texture can be accessed in the cache.

I await a coder's explanation :)

Edited by Profaitchikenz Haiku
correcto, ergo sum
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3 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I really liked Black Dragon back when I was using it.

But in the end I stopped because I could never figure out why some textures right around me, like perhaps my own skin and the floor I was standing on... would never fully rez, and textures 57 regions off the to left, down 3, and up 763m... would snap into place instantly. It was just so... random... in texture rendering priority, and seemed to always favor the things furthest away in both distance and my current camera angle. Whatever the issue was, I seemed to be the only one plagued by it, so I just gave up in the end.

Keep intending to give it another try and see if an update has cleared out whatever was wrong for me with it.

2 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

I have been puzzling over this for well over a year, and in many different viewers. I have tried experimenting on a standalone where I can control both the sizes and positioning of the textures.

It doesn't seem to be due to the size of the textures (which I was desperately hoping would be the case)

It's not the distance or whether it's behind or to either side of you.

All I can conclude is that it's to do with how quickly or otherwise the texture can be accessed in the cache.

I await a coder's explanation :)

Welcome to Second Life. Where the texture spammery of others gets higher priority than your own stuff...

Just one of many weird quirks of Second Life.

3 hours ago, Extrude Ragu said:

I keep trying to get to grips with Black Dragon, but I always end up quitting it feeling stressed.

I feel like every task I try to complete using Black Dragon I am always encountering cognitive dissonance. Nothing is where you expect it to be, and things you expect to find just aren't there.

For example, one of the first things I try to do in most viewers is change the Graphics settings. In Black Dragon, every single part of that process was a pain point. Finding the preferences was not intuitive, it was under a button called 'Dragon' (??) and then the Preferences window.. look for Graphics.. can't find it.. They've renamed it 'Display' .. Expect that the first settings shown are some kind of simple high/medium/low control.. Instead shown font size and texture memory management.. In-fact I couldn't find such a simple setting anywhere.

You are expecting things to be in the wrong place.

More specifically you are looking for them too specifically. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.


Every Viewer 2 has a topbar that consists of a favorites bar, navigationbar, the statusbar and the main viewer menu. Black Dragon does exactly the same, the main menu is there, it is just condensed to a single menu to fit behind the navigationbar rather than adding another line to the topbar.

The main menu usually consists of menus like Me, File, Edit, Build, Tools, World, Advanced and Develop. Black Dragon uses the V1 style names because they make much more sense when read out loud.

  • Dragon - Edit - Preferences. Black Dragon, i want to edit my preferences. What do i want to do? Edit my preferences.
  • Dragon - World - Sun - Midday. Black Dragon, set the world's sun position to midday. What do i want? Sun to midday.
  • Dragon - File - Upload Snapshot. Black Dragon, i want to upload a file, a snapshot to be specific. What do i want? Upload a snapshot.
  • Dragon - Tools - Build. Black Dragon, give me my build tools. What do i want? Building/editing tools.

Preferences always has 4 main tabs that can be found in every Viewer. General, Graphics, Chat and Sound. Black Dragon uses Display instead of Graphics because it contains much more than just graphic settings, it contains all kinds of display related settings usually found in a "Display" settings tab (such as resolution, vsync, refresh rate, window mode etc etc). The connection between Graphics and Display shouldn't really be far off. Graphics and Display are the second tab in every Viewer too just like General is always the first.


The "overall quality" setting you are looking for has been long removed as it caused more harm than anything else and its granularity was simply bad. Games often have this option because it makes sense for them to have them, SL does not, SL is too dynamic and everchanging, any and all "presets" or pointless. Ultra never actually means Ultra. Ultra doesn't even make sense, it just bumps up settings that don't need to be bumped up for nice graphics. Sure, i could fix this but it would be a massive amount of work for something that is simply not worth the time and effort and has only been creating tropes, spreading false information and causing a lot of problems to both me as developer and users in general. There are only ever a very few couple options you really want to touch for any specific reason. Unlike in games where simply dragging everything to max makes a difference.

Generally good design and layout starts with general/generic options at the top. Since the overall quality slider is no more, the next options in line would be things like interface size, texture memory management, fonts size etc, stuff that generally affects everything... before going into specifics such as each and every individual graphics feature. Hence why the Quality options are right below the General settings and are immediately visible when opening the Display tab for the first time.

In Black Dragon you won't find "simple" settings, graphics aren't as simple as everyone makes them out to be, especially in SL. SL graphics are complicated and as such should have extensive amounts of settings to configure everything in as much detail as possible, this automatically creates complexity but i tried keeping them simple (hence why everything has been reduced to checkboxes, sliders and multiple choice checkboxes with very simple labels everyone understands (Low, Medium, High, Ultra etc). If there is need for more complicated stuff, each and every option has a tooltip attempting to explain its effects, its impact and giving further details and hints such as texture memory usage and/or the exact value of a certain setting (Quality checkboxes for instance)

But with as much Black Dragon changes if you start to look closely you will notice that a lot of options sound familiar or are in fact in very familiar places. (Name options being in General, Cache settings being in Viewer, all the main graphics settings in Display and so on). This does apply to almost every single part of the Viewer. People, Inventory, Places, Chat. They all look visually different but are actually closer to other Viewers than you think, given you don't expect a certain button to be in that very exact position.

This isn't just a problem you are facing, this is the most common issue people are having and the different UI is intentional, i didn't want the Viewer to look like other Viewers while making logical and technical improvements to the UI. I don't like the stock UI, it is empty, boring, wastes a lot of space and has no soul (which is probably intentional seeing that its supposed to be a standard for others to build upon). I keep telling people every single time that they are simply doing it wrong, in no other part of your computer life you search for something in a very specific place across multiple variations of the same thing. Look at browsers, they are all different too but at the same time they aren't, they all share many similarities and no one bats an eye there, no one can't find the menu because in one browser it is three lines, in another its a gear icon and in yet another its in a labeled menu. It's a common issue in SL and only in SL, the moment you leave SL this weird behavior immediately stops.

But as i mentioned, i suggest the best approach is taking a step back, so to say, and learning to look past these details, doing so will make it a lot easier to appreciate the details while reducing the issues you'll run into, from differences, to a minimum. If that fails, there's always a place to ask for help i suppose.

2 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

it's been my everyday viewer since it was "resurrected" (forked seems too mild a term) from its predecessor.

I get along with Niran's UI choices mostly, and the ones I don't are no greater a hassle than the few that bug the stuffing out of me on any other viewer.. (Don't tell him that, he'd just start ignoring me when I pester him on Discord) but then, I'm a geek and the granularity of the graphics controls is a huge plus point to me - in addition having a reasonably high-end graphics card means I can turn most of them up higher than the LL viewer can do and still get perfectly fine framerates. I'm more limited by the bandwidth downloading all you horribly unoptimized folks than I am by my hardware actually rendering you :)

*starts ignoring you on Discord*

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8 hours ago, NiranV Dean said:

Welcome to Second Life. Where the texture spammery of others gets higher priority than your own stuff...

Just one of many weird quirks of Second Life.

But it wasn't always like that, it's something that's become pronounced enough in the past two years to earn itself several threads.

I know it doesn't make much sense, but I am wondering if the size of the object on which the texture are to be applied somehow dictates the order or precedence.

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1 hour ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

But it wasn't always like that, it's something that's become pronounced enough in the past two years to earn itself several threads.

I know it doesn't make much sense, but I am wondering if the size of the object on which the texture are to be applied somehow dictates the order or precedence.

Their goal with the interest list was making things closer to you get priority over things further away.

In a perfect world you'd sort them by visibility, first look direction, then direct line of sight (effectively culling), then give them a priority value based on distance to your avatar (not your camera) and modify this value with an offset based on size (the bigger an object on screen is or the more pixels it uses of your screen the more priority it should get over others with similar priority values whereas these values are big enough and the offsets small enough that you will never end up with a large building taking complete priority over something a lot closer to you. This would effectively create a "pulse" effect like rezzing where you start rezzing first, everything directly touching you and/or around you will begin rezzing first with bigger objects taking priority, essentially creating smaller sub-pulses inside the top-level pulse that will then rez things around themselves too after they have been rezzed, this would continue outwards until everything directly visible to you is rezzed. Imagine a directional radar ping that moves outwards, every time it hits something it creates a smaller sub-ping around itself (assuming that the items around it are not drastically smaller then the bigger object and have different sizes somewhat linearly scaling smaller).

This would however rquire both the server and the client to work intelligently together.

Edited by NiranV Dean
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17 hours ago, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

( Apply the fix @animats suggested in another thread and create a disk serial number for your Wine  "hard disk", I'll have to rustle up bits of paper to recall exactly how I did that)

I used winecfg to set a drive serial number. For the first time now, I have Black Dragon running on Linux. There's no media, but otherwise it appears to run just fine. 

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35 minutes ago, KjartanEno said:

I used winecfg to set a drive serial number. For the first time now, I have Black Dragon running on Linux. There's no media, but otherwise it appears to run just fine. 

No media? Oof. Missed out on the best part then.

The loginscreen:


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1 hour ago, KjartanEno said:

used winecfg to set a drive serial number.

Yes, I found my scribbles, hdparm -i /dev/sdx gets the disk details. I believe you don't have to put the full serial number in, just enough such that there isn't an empty field.

I presume you're on 64-bit linux?

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3 hours ago, NiranV Dean said:

Imagine a directional radar ping that moves outwards, every time it hits something it creates a smaller sub-ping around itself (assuming that the items around it are not drastically smaller then the bigger object and have different sizes somewhat linearly scaling smaller).

I might be a bit naive but I had assumed this was what the draw-distance stepping several TPVs implement did?

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