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I have a problem with skin.


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Hello. Last time been promo Catwa HD PRO Queen. And i got this head. But idk how use it 😅😅😅. I did want do skin with new head and i did add it. But skin on head dont want work. It is skin what Been with head. But my head is still white and dont have skin. How can i work it? Help me please 🥺🙏 and how i can use base under hair ? Im sorry for my English but i'm from another country

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37 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

Nie żebym był gwiazdą body z siateczką, ale obecnie pracuję nad wieloma wersjami demonstracyjnymi.
Moja rada: używaj jak najwięcej funkcji „dodaj” zamiast funkcji „zużycie”. To ogólnie sprawia, że wszystko jest łatwiejsze.

How can i do it?

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To apply a skin you need to 1) buy a skin applier and apply skin to the head or 2) buy and wear a BOM skin and turn on BOM in the Catwa style hud. 

I just read on the Catwa website it has no applier hair. To have a hairbase you need a BOM hairbase or an applier skin with a hairbase included. The Catwa Queen head is designed to work better with BOM.

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14 hours ago, ProKarola said:

Hello. Last time been promo Catwa HD PRO Queen. And i got this head. But idk how use it 😅😅😅. I did want do skin with new head and i did add it. But skin on head dont want work. It is skin what Been with head. But my head is still white and dont have skin. How can i work it? Help me please 🥺🙏 and how i can use base under hair ? Im sorry for my English but i'm from another country

It is too har for me to explain. I have helped people before, but this head is just too complicated. Look for youtube videos. You can pause and go back until you can see what they do. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=youtube+catwa+queen+head

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