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BOM & Alpha problems ...


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Are  you using a BOM VIEWER?  That is the kind of thing we used to see if you tried using BOM with a non-BOM viewer. 


It may be that you are turning the BOM off in the second photo.  I am no expert on this but that's what it looks like to me. If you don't have a BOM viewer and don't WANT one then you will need to use an applier.   


This is a screenshot of a head with BOM OFF (not on) and it matches your second photo more or less.  If I turn BOM "ON" in this case it looks perfect -- but I have a BOM viewer. 



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Do you have on any alpha for the body? The body alpha might include the head as well. And that's an applier for Glam Affair not a BOM skin

The red indicates BOM is turned on but you are trying to use an applier on it which you can't.  Did the head skin come with a tattoo layer?


Edited by Rowan Amore
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I am seeing some issues. 

You see the BoM "magic" texture, which tells me that you to NOT have a BoM capable viewer. Make sure to update to the latest version of your viewer, then try again.

Second, if you wish to use BoM with your head after you update your viewer, then you should:

  • Not use an alpha to try to hide your head (BoM does that automatically). If you wear an alpha to hide your head anyway, your head will turn bright red (without text) but only in viewers that support BoM.
  • Do not use skin appliers but use a BoM skin. This skin will not be an applier but a wearable just like the old fashioned pre-mesh skins, although sometimes they come as a tattoo. I mention this because I saw an applier in your screenshot even though that one appears to be a for a hair base. Depending on the head, using a hairbase applier may or may not work so I would recommend using a tattoo version of the hairbase instead of an applier so please be aware of this.

I hope this helps.

Edited by Fritigern Gothly
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