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Dear LL, or anyone else ... why is it called BENTO?

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  • Lindens

At last, the inside story can be revealed! Why did we call it Bento? Err, unfortunately it's not very exciting, but here it is:

When we first started the project, it was being kept under wraps. We didn't want word to get out that we were working on the "Skeleton Extension Project" because we weren't sure how feasible it would actually be to extend the skeleton. We needed a code name so we could talk about the project internally and with a small group of content creators, but we didn't want the name to give anything away in case it leaked out. So I picked Bento as a an internal code name. There wasn't any particular reason for that name, although there was a sushi place near the office that we went to fairly often, so that might have been part of the inspiration. After that the name just stuck, even after it wasn't secret; by the time the feature shipped it had been publicly discussed as Bento for a long time, so we just continued calling it that.

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6 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

All projects should keep their secret internal names forever.

Sadly this is usually up to the management rather than the developers. In my early career I created a searchable and updateable documentation system for a company and called it CLOD (Corporate & Local Organisation Documents). This earned me a serious carpetting about allowing undue levity to colour my judgement. The final name it carried I can't say, but to give a hint, where the original system I had created the replacement for was called Docs, the new system was called SuperDocs. Ugh.

I left an Easter-egg in it though, anticipating Coffee's idea by several decades.

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