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System Skin Advice Needed


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Hello SL Community,

Can some one please advice a store that sells good quality natural skins (the default system skin). How it used to be in olden times.  :)

Any skin store i visit, each Skin picture has so many terms and mini logos on it. I am unable to comprehend / grasp: mesh heads, bodies, bento, omega, huds, different systems, layers, appliers, bom, shading, compatibility, etc 😕😰

So, i have no mesh body or head. Have the basic body shape. Just need a good basic skin. 💜

Thank you soooo much. 💮

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For system skins, seek out the ones labeled BoM (Bakes on mesh).  BoM are system layers.  BoM skins these days are worn in two parts: the body skin and the head skin.  The body skin usually comes as a traditional system skin with a blank head.  The head skin comes as a tattoo layer with a blank body. And vice versa.  These parts are sold separately.  If you want the head and body skins to match up seamlessly, it's best to buy them at the same store in the same color of choice.  Some stores may sell skins in a single piece, like the old days.

Edited by Eddy Vortex
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