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Definition of "Light Commercial and Residental"

PeaceMan Braveheart

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my show question, what can i do on Rentling like Light Commercial, can i sell some, or make a skybox and set it for rent for others ??? :)

What i like to know is what can i do on  land wirh there many names of using... is there a guideline some or does everybody a different view about this ?:)

Replyes will be nice :)


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27 minutes ago, PeaceMan Braveheart said:

Hi it seems so easy,,,,

and what is wirh the users per Parcel  thing....

1023 = 2 User .
2048 = 3 User.

i read it always ....:)

not on my rentals Dear. 

but maybe they mean you can only let max 2 user on 1023sqm (what a bull***** - its your land you pay for it) :) 

but of course if you put 20 people on your 1024sqm parcel you experience a bit lag. thats normal and you dont need to complain to your landlord about ;)


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