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DJ Wanted - Now URGENT!!!


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Hi everyone.

I am putting together a surprise birthday party for my hubby.

I did have a DJ lined up, but he has stopped replying to my IM’s.

Now I’m working on short notice. Sighs.

The party is to be on 1 April 2021 from 8pm to 10pm SLT.

The theme will be 70’s – 80’s disco.

Me and my partner are both male and there will be other gays there as well. Just saying…so you don’t end up feeling uncomfortable. 😊

The venue is all set up. All you would have to do is be there playing your groovy disco music.

You would be welcome to set up a tip jar and I will also pay your fee for the event.

Please get in touch with me and we can meet up to discuss. As I said I’m now working on short notice and hope to send out the invitations in the next 24 hours.

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