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How now brown cow?

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I hope this RL story brings a smile to your face.
Covid, bushfires, floods and on and on and on it goes.
After the recent devastating floods in NSW Australia, (like - yesterday),
People have been caring for cows and horses washed into their properties.
So the animals have been getting endless hugs, pats, grooming & tasty treats until their owners can locate those that survived.

The consensus amongst farmers is "well the animals are welcome to return home of course.....
-> If they want to come home after all the hugs & treats that is". <- ❤️
and the media is full of reports of people hugging and crying about the animals welfare.
It's really nice to see some good things happening. 

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When I first heard about what was happening there and that they got hit with like 3 ft of rain in like the first day or storm.. I can't remember exactly what it was..

But I just remember saying out loud, Holy Sh*t!!

And I don't swear very often..


We have a creek that runs in front of our house that we get flash flooding from time to time.. our bridge used to get taken out almost every time until we built a concrete bridge with floater ties..

Still a 3 ft rain and what would be coming down stream.. I'm willing to bet it would take it out.. Bigger things come down stream with bigger flooding.. It would probably even take out our wood shop that is pretty close, but higher up..

I didn't hear much about casualties or anything like that, just how bad the rain was.. I sure hope people are alright..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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