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My Partner Sinks Into Furniture

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When my partner and I get on the same piece of furniture, I get into the pose without problems, but she invariably sinks into the furniture, being positioned way too low. She then needs to adjust every time with either her hover height or with the built-in axis adjuster. She is a little bit shorter than me, but she is not super tiny. Any thoughts on what might be causing this problem? Thank you for any help!

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One thing that could do this would be a high-priority animation that offsets the avatar center downward -- apparently overriding the "sit" animation state (otherwise she'd be wading knee deep while walking, too). Not sure how to confirm this is the case, and if so, what is playing that animation on her avatar. I guess I'd try (wherever her viewer hides) Me/Movement/Stop Animating Me.* There's also Develop/Avatar/Animation Info but it's really hard to interpret.

Probably you've already confirmed that this happens on more than one region, which would mean the animating object must be an attachment (assuming this is what's going on), so then it would be a test of removing all attachments including HUDs, doing "Stop Animating Me", sitting, and adding back attachments until the problem reappears.

*Firestorm renames  this as Avatar / Avatar Health / Stop Avatar Animations, and also has a "Revoke Permissions" flavor (which has never done anything I wanted but YMMV in this case).

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5 hours ago, FloraJane Starlight said:

When my partner and I get on the same piece of furniture, I get into the pose without problems, but she invariably sinks into the furniture, being positioned way too low. She then needs to adjust every time with either her hover height or with the built-in axis adjuster. She is a little bit shorter than me, but she is not super tiny. Any thoughts on what might be causing this problem? Thank you for any help!

Also check her hover height in appearance and also in quick preferences.  50 in appearance and 0 in quick preferences

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As oten as not, this is caused by a clash between your normal AO and the furniture's poses. Your first move must be to turn off your normal AO before sitting, then let the furniture's poses/animations have full rein.

If that doesn't solve the problem, look again at the suggestions above.

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My avatar is the opposite.  I'm always well above the intended position.  I have my appearance height at 50 and my hover height at 0 and still well above the chair or whatever.  I have to adjust down on everything in the game.

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If you switch places on the furniture do you also sink? If so, maybe the people used the furniture before you saved positions after adjusting. Is there a default position option that can be used to fix it? If it is your furniture, does shift copying it and using the copy fix it?

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