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March 23 - Brain Injury Awareness Presentation and Discussion

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On Thursday, 25 March at 1:00 pm SLT, Namaara MacMoragh will lead a presentation entitled "What Is BEST for Me and Why Do I Care? Mindfulness for Cognitive Challenge". This event will take place at Virtual Ability's HealthInfo Island.

Slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Healthinfo%20Island/206/73/22

** Description:
Every 21 seconds someone in the United States incurs a brain injury. Over 5 million Americans live with a permanent brain injury-related disability. Navigating daily life with a brain injury isn't just difficult. It can be debilitating. Why does it matter? How can being aware help you be a better friend, teacher, friend, doctor, or co-worker to someone with a brain injury? Join us in a presentation and discussion about brain injury and the challenges of the journey toward understanding.

*** About Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)
BEST provides PEER support and education, along with tools and strategies to support success, health, and well-being for individuals with brain injury and their families. BEST distinguishes itself from other brain injury organizations in that the leadership, services, and programs are built by and for individuals with brain injury and their families. You can learn more about BEST at https://brainenergysupportteam.org

*** About the presenter
Namaara MacMoragh, aka G Ronnie Kraegel, has 30+ years independent nonprofit consulting experience and is the Executive Director of the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST). She is also the chief grounds keeper at Etopia Sustainable Communities where she blends her real world work with her passion for regenerative living in social, community, business, and environmental contexts.

*** Related Resources
Etopia Sustainable Communities SLurl,  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Etopia%20Island/194/56/22
Brain Energy Support Team, http://brainenergysupportteam.org

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