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Good Sports For Free Press: Hair Creator, Fictitious Doctor, Fictitious Financial Institutions, & Idea Suggestions For Fictitious Metaphorical Grocery/Retail

MajikVixen Lorefield

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So, I would like to do some creative writing on my blog.  I kind of want to play a bit of Mad-Libs and something maybe like 2 Truths One Lie.  I thought it might be fun to give some residents or businesses some free press and, of course, explicitly disclaim that the post is all in fun, completely fictitious, and that these residents/businesses are completely awesome and good sports for letting me use their information for metaphorical RL situations that are driving me absolutely batty.  I'm willing to pay some L$ too, if that's necessary.  Writing always makes me feel better about some situations beyond my control (it's a bit of an escape, and a bit cleansing to get it all out of my head), so I thought to myself, "Why not make it fictitiously believable, so that I could vent in a positive manner by having others benefit for being so awesome as to let me use their information?"  Then at the end of my venting / creative writing, I could put in positive resolutions as to how things worked out splendidly & how awesome you/your business is (all in fun, of course, you know ...'cause, you know, it would be awesome if RL would actually work out like that, LOL). 


If you're game, let me know ASAP :) I can check this occasionally or you may contact me inworld.

Thankies! ♥

Edited by MajikVixen Lorefield
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  • MajikVixen Lorefield changed the title to Good Sports For Free Press: Hair Creator, Fictitious Doctor, Fictitious Financial Institutions, & Idea Suggestions For Fictitious Metaphorical Grocery/Retail
1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

To be honest?  I've read your post several times now and still have no clue what you're talking about.

Hmm.  I guess here would be an example, if this helps...

Maybe in RL I bought something (say, an apple, for example) and it turned into a big fiasco.  But instead of just venting about that experience and trashing everything, I thought I would make it fictitious and bring it to SL in a positive manner...

So instead of going off in this blog story about how arduous it was to buy the apple and then the stomach issues I got when I got home, and on and on and on (for example)... I could make up a similar story, like...

I bought this 3D model of an apple from so-and-so.  It looked really beautiful, but then when I tried to build with it, I really messed it up to the point where it made me sick.  ...Until I contacted the so-and-so creator, and wouldn't you know, they were just so nice and calmly explained what I was doing wrong, and I came up with this beautiful thing I can now admire?

...Except, you know, with a lot more details with the intent of humor and such.  Does that example help explain my intent here better?  I just need some creators or businesses willing to be mentioned so that I don't get anyone or myself in trouble is all.  I do intend to disclaim my intent at the beginning of the actual blog post, and I do intend to take the RL lemon situations and make them SL lemonade situations.

The businesses I would like to put in this story require hair, a doctor, fictitious financial institutions, & metaphorical grocery/retail situations.  This is a fun little challenge I would rather focus my energy on, instead of the bad RL stuff I can do nothing about at this point.

Edited by MajikVixen Lorefield
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11 hours ago, animats said:

Some of the roleplay sims have newsletters.

I have kind of had my fill of writing for newspapers in SL, hence my blog, but thank you.  :) 

And I do wish I could spend hours sitting in a RP region waiting for ppl to respond to my emotes, but I have 2 screens because I like to fish while I write :) 

Edited by MajikVixen Lorefield
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