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personal tip jars for djs?


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I have just been informed I need a personal tip jar for one of my gigs. They... literally changed it last week, and I've never used one. What jars do you guys use?? There's so many out there, and I have no idea what I am looking for. HELP.

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Just be aware that there's a slight difference between tipjars that are scripted for different people to log into and personal tip jars. all you need to make a personal tip jar is to make a prim and drop a script like this one into it:

integer Total;
string  OwnerName;
    on_rez( integer sparam )
        OwnerName = llKey2Name( llGetOwner() );
        llSetText( OwnerName + "'s Tip Jar.\nAny tips gratefully received!\nL$0 Donated so far", <.2, 1, .6>, 1);
    money(key id, integer amount)
        Total += amount;
        // Shortcut 'cheat' to avoid multiple casts when constructing a message including non-string items
        string str = (string) [OwnerName, "'s Tip Jar.\nPlease tip if you are so inclined!\nL$", amount, " Was donated last!\nL$", Total, " Donated so far" ];
        llSetText(str, <1,1,1>, 1);
        llInstantMessage(id,"Thanks for the tip!");
        llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), llKey2Name(id) + " donated L$" + (string) amount );

Copied from the wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Money

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1 hour ago, Quistessa said:

Just be aware that there's a slight difference between tipjars that are scripted for different people to log into and personal tip jars. all you need to make a personal tip jar is to make a prim and drop a script like this one into it:

integer Total;
string  OwnerName;
    on_rez( integer sparam )
        OwnerName = llKey2Name( llGetOwner() );
        llSetText( OwnerName + "'s Tip Jar.\nAny tips gratefully received!\nL$0 Donated so far", <.2, 1, .6>, 1);
    money(key id, integer amount)
        Total += amount;
        // Shortcut 'cheat' to avoid multiple casts when constructing a message including non-string items
        string str = (string) [OwnerName, "'s Tip Jar.\nPlease tip if you are so inclined!\nL$", amount, " Was donated last!\nL$", Total, " Donated so far" ];
        llSetText(str, <1,1,1>, 1);
        llInstantMessage(id,"Thanks for the tip!");
        llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), llKey2Name(id) + " donated L$" + (string) amount );

Copied from the wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Money

Omg thank you SO much!! This is perfect. I know a little bit about 3D stuff, so pretty excited by the idea of making my own jar and dropping in the script tbh :)

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