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Disappearing Sim

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I am an SL sailor and pilot. I have noted an issue that is one of the most puzzling I have come across here. When I rez a vehicle, either boat or aircraft on a sim and move away, crossing a sim border; I can look back and still see the sim I had rezzed and departed. Once I am several sims away, and can no longer see the sim in which I rezzed, I can return to that sim, and find it missing. The entire sim that I rezzed in is missing. It appears on the world map and the mini map (Radar), but I cannot see it. If I try to enter the missing sim, I crash. Has anyone had this issue and how to I resolve it?

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why this happens for some people and not others has something to do with the server not accepting our connection while it accepts others. Exactly why this is I dunno the details off

the current fix is to request a region restart

i find Linden support are pretty responsive to restarting Linden regions these days, more so than in the ages past. Usually sometime in the next 24 hours I find when I do this. The time depends I suppose on what else the Region support persons have on their list to do

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