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HIRE ME: Looking to fill out my schedule (DJ/Dancer)


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First of all, I am fairly new to SL (4 months), but I am a millenial, so I learn this technical stuff quickly. Don't worry!! I am looking to fill out my schedule :) My motivations for work are to have fun, excite, stimulate, enjoy, and of course, make $L. I do cash out to help out with my RL, so please keep that in mind.

I work mainly from 10-4 SLT. My timezone is the same, so after 6PM, I am usually busy having dinner and settling in for the night. I also prefer to work adult clubs because I am here to unwind and be sexual in ways I can't IRL. I am perfectly fine to work in UK or other European clubs. I am fluent in English and French.

I am currently looking to fill any day of the week, so feel free to offer up. You can see my current schedule here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=b2hkYXJsaW5nMTk5MnhvQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ


  • I have 2 years of RL sex work under my belt. I was a cam girl and text escort.
  • I also have over a decade of experience writing erotica, and though emoting is a new format that can be hard with the poses and stuff, I am learning fast!
  • I have about two months of experience as a dancer and freelance text/voice escort in SL.
  • I have a mesh body and head. You can check my Flickr to see me: https://www.flickr.com/photos/192540265@N08/
  • I accept club rates for topless/nude or general rate of $L/clothing item.
  • I am also capable of being a club escort.
  • I do not take jobs from anywhere which requires me to rent adboards.


  • I have received multiple compliments from my employers despite my relative inexperience (2 weeks!)
  • I love all kinds of genres, and I am always looking for more music!
  • I currently have permanent sets at four different clubs! 
  • I have my own stream, I am capable of pressing "New Notice", and I even make my own Promo images for Flickr or Discord!
  • I like to play Indie Pop, Indie Rock, covers, remixes and Electroswing.
  • I'm definitely for those who are open to or seeking a more modern/contemporary vibe.
  • So if you consider Post Malone or Nicki Minaj to be out of the question, I'm probably not the gal for you.

If interested, you can contact me over IM: Mona(mnp2357) or via Discord mona#4661

Edited by mnp2357
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