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Beginner's simple mesh not unwrapping. Why?

Eirynne Sieyes

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What is wrong, any ideas? After the table top was successfully unwrapped, I used the same exact process to unwrap the legs: In "UV editing" and "Object Mode" I selected the (joined) legs object and went to "Object / Apply / All Transforms". Then in "Edit Mode", with legs still selected, "Faces" were enabled and "Select / All" (faces) was applied. Then went to "UV" (top right part of viewport) hit "UV / Unwrap". And nothing happens, i.e., there is no difference on the left side before and after pressing "UV / Unwrap".  This happens over and over. Any ideas?

Later: Someone much smarter than me suggested I had marked "sharp" instead of marked "seams" on the legs, so I corrected that. Went through the process again. Pending still lol.

Later again: It worked!

Edited by Eirynne Sieyes
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