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can't process credit////process credit is not highlighted

Shawna Latzo

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16 minutes ago, Shawna Latzo said:

Hello, I have Lindens and I can't transfer it to Paypal because the process credit is not highlighted.. My tilia is $0 dollars. How do I transfer this money into my bank account,  Do I need to sell my Lindens and the amount would be transferred to Tilla

if your Tillia account is $ 0 you háve nothing to transfer ...you have to sell the L$ first to get a tillia balance.. and if your registration for Tilia is all in order you can transfer to paypal.
I hope you bought L$ before, because if you didn't you still won't be able to transfer ...

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Yes, if your Tilia (USD) balance is $0, you don't have anything to transfer.  If you have L$, you will need to sell them on the LindeX first.  That will automatically put USD into your Tilia account.  If you are unfamiliar with selling on the LindeX, I suggest reading the Knowledge Base article that tells you the basics:

Unless you are selling more than about $50 worth of L$, it's best to use the Market Sell option instead of setting a sales offering price with the Limit Sell option.  There's no real price advantage to the Limit Sell option for small transactions, and it is slower.


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