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Those are User-Defined-Functions.  In some other languages, they might be called subroutines or simply functions.  They are sections of code that a scripter designs for performing a task that might need to be performed repeatedly in a script.  Setting that code aside as a named function helps reduce the size of a script and can make it visually easier to follow.  I keep a small personal library of functions that I have found useful over the years, so that I can drop them into future scripts and save myself the time of writing new code each time. This one, for example, is handy if I know I will need to convert numbers from integer format to Hex format:

string strHexPrefix = "0x";
string strHexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";    

string Int2Hex(integer iInt, integer iDigits)
    integer iWork = iInt & 0xF;
    string strResult = llGetSubString(strHexChars, iWork, iWork);
    iInt = (iInt >> 4) & 0x0FFFFFFF;

    while (iInt != 0)
        iWork = iInt & 0xF;
        strResult = llGetSubString(strHexChars, iWork, iWork) + strResult;
        iInt = iInt >> 4;

    if (llStringLength(sResult) < iDigits)
        strResult = "00000000" + strResult;
        strResult = llGetSubString(strResult, -iDigits, - 1);

    return(strHexPrefix + strResult);

Read more and find a small library of contributed UDFs that LSL scripters have added to the wiki at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_User-Defined_Functions

ETA:  Hehe.. as usual, I just looked at that collection myself and found that Void Singer had contributed her own much cleaner version of Int2Hex years ago.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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