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Animations not looking the same as in Blender 2.93.2


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hi i am having problems with compatibility of blender and second life. I have a beautiful dragon animated badly( yes i know its my first animation) but the one in blender looks reasonable and one in second life looks completely different what Am i doing wrong ?

I think its possible its not exporting all bones and his is why its messing up but am beginner with mesh animation and don't know how to fix this t appear same in LSL


I looked at export and they are very verbose:



I went away and searched and found this similar issue  with no resolution: https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-Exporter/issues/69

This one is better https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/5887


I found this but its set to pose and not to Rest Position why then is my mesh in LSL not behaving the same and looking like its made of jello?


There seems to be no export option to export all bones  and the model as shown uses rest position:



Also when i take it of of this it drops the animation sequence I had placed in . It seems i need to convert from the rest position to pose position any ideas please?


Edited by VirtualKitten
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