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RLV Commands are triggering attach() events


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This concerns RLV scripting:

I strongly suspect the command "@attachallover", and other RLV commands like that which attach, or detach, Inventory items are triggering attach events for the attach() event handler. In my application this is undesirable. Is there a way to prevent this happening? Or at least detect in the event handler that the event was triggered not by direct user action, but by that RLV command? I would like to avoid using counters that I would increment with every such command, and decrement when the change() event handler is called.

The script is meant to run inside a prim that attaches to an avatar.

I know these unexpected events are happening because I have many llOwnerSay debug statements in it I trace execution with.

Edited by agentronin
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First things first: No, you can't determine how the script was attached from within the event handler.

Besides that, I don't think RLV has any way to change how an attachment gets attached in the sense you're trying to do. RLV is just a bridge between LSL and the viewer, and I'm not aware of the viewer having any ability to tell the sim to "attach this without invoking any events." The same applies to any other event as well; none of them can be suppressed, only left unimplemented.

The bigger question is "what are you trying to do?"

If you're the script developer, I'm sure you can design your script in such a way that the attach event won't cause problems.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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