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★★★★★ HOTEL MARTINEZ Overnight & Weekly Staycation @ Shamrock ★★★★★

Yuumo Ichibara

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Introducing Hôtel Martinez and Le Saint Tropez, a luxury Cannes-inspired hotel and beachfront bar inspired by the prestigious hotel of the same name, located in the southeast coastline of Sansara


Six theme rooms all L$100 daily or L$700 per week (please watch video for sneak peek)
Accessible from the highway
Dock, helipad, and parking available with car and segway rezzer

Access to navigable waters from Shamrock
XeoLife-enhanced restaurant and bar
Mainland tour of Sansara via yacht, helicopter, or car available upon request
(unfurnished floors available for event rentals)


Rental apartments also available from L$499 per week: 


So Fresh & Clean / Incandescent Dream / Lipstick, Brandy, & Eye Sheen
Come and take your limousine to Le Martinez et Le Saint Tropez: 


For reservations and inquiries, please call Zaker974 or Fendilicious


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