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Destinations guide places Traffic is not being updated and appears stuck

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When you list in the destinations guide your event appears along with others in your category as your traffic increases to the parcel or sim its located the SL viewer and website is updated and your event moves closer to the first events that appear to users. This important feature appears not to function and the same events have been showing the same number of avatars at the events for days. Is this glitch a result of the "uplift" to the cloud it appears the problem is being overlooked and yet is very important for event organizers.  

Sl destinations guide featured.PNG

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Simply file a jira.  Search, map tiles and group chat have also been broken for months.  All of those have been discussed quite a lot, too.  Perhaps the destination guide ranking hasn't effected as many people since I looked and didn't see anyone else posting about it.

Good luck with that jira.

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