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Freeze Frame! and other cool RL to Virtual effect

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I was  going through snapshots this morning and I ran across this snapshop I'd taken inworld, well several actually, but what caught my eye was this one in particular, not because of the subjects in the picture, but the effect and technique. It's a similar effect I've gotten from RL photography in motion capture shoots, and it's a really fun way to 'Art' things up. anyone else using this technique straight from inworld *Note: this pic was  cropped on the top and bottom for specific privacy reasons. Other than that, it's a clean snapshot from inworld.


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today? SL might simply be crashy I think ( I've been running into alot of asset server issues the last few hours and one of the reasons I ran across this set of snapshot while looking for missing photos,lol).


I left  the Pic as is though to kind of  give people a hint on how it's done. In other words, I simply started snapping pics and then while in a static pose, I open Inventory to the most recent snapshot, leave it open and take another snaphot with the UI Interface showing ( this will also capture any textures or snapshots you might be viewing at  the time) hence the doubling effect.

I realized I could have stretched  the snapshot even further to hit almost exactly on the live image in view, but the bangs and brow line also come pretty close and give a nice effect of merging.

Also you can reclose the Inventory window obviously, leaving the snapshot you want to over-lay open.

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