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The Biggest Rally in Second Life and Virtual Worlds History, on The Eve of SL's 18th Birthday - Let's show the world!

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Disclaimer: Some people have somehow gotten the impression that a rally is a "protest" for some reason, so just putting it out here that this is a supportive, positive kind of rally to show our support and encourage LL to do more, and continue doing their great works, show them we're not afraid of positive changes! c= but most importantly so everyone can see how much SL's Residents care and are grateful of this world! And just how special SL is

Join the biggest virtual rally in the world! Supporting and encouraging even more modernization of SL's image and for SL to be imbued with even stronger vision and sense of ambition

To join the rally, get inworld, join the group "Virtual Existence Society" and on June 22, 2021 at 10:00 PM SLT, the eve of Second Life's 18th anniversary, society officials will give out props, materials and landmarks through group notices for the rally which will be conducted on the public roads of SL's mainland (Waterhead region and surrounding areas)

We have received a little more than 100 potential confirmed attendees for the rally, but we are hoping to get at least 1,000 confirmed attendees during the next 3 months.

If we get 10,000 confirmed attendees, we will try to submit an application for a new category to the Guiness Book of World Records for the Biggest 3D Virtual World Rally record and see if we can get it although the chance is fairly slim

The rally will start at 10:30PM SLT and ends at midnight, where we expect to have the biggest firework show in SL's history if everything goes to plan c= Further information and instructions will be given out soon

We hope to see you there!

Edited by lucagrabacr
adding details
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1 hour ago, Rabid Cheetah said:

Can a Second Life server handle that many people?

It will be done across several regions on mainland with roads where there are barely any residence around c= (Waterhead and surrounding areas with roads)

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Update: we're at 133 confirmed potential attendees right now

Some communities (mostly mainland-centric communities, but others that are not as well) have shown their interest to be co-organizers of the rally and more details on that will be released soon in phase 2 of the rally's promotion!

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