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Are you looking for a job as a DJ, Host, Dancer, or Manager???


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Hello there! 

I am the club owner of Club Sabotage my name is Kiyoko Yasuko! 

I am hiring DJs, Hosts, Managers, & Dancers/Entertainers, what I look into is that employees are loyal and can commit to their shifts and respect the managers on duty and upper management as well,

We are open Wednesday-Saturday 3pm-11pm SLT 

I do not mind what our DJs play as long as they let the crowd know that there will profanity or any 18+ lyrics. DJs and Hosts get 100% tips and the Dancers/Entertainers get 95% of their tips. 

We are Alphabet Mafia friendly so come on by and we will protect you, but maybe also corrupt you too ;)

We do have an online forum for our application so here is the link: Club Sabotage Application (google.com)

There are applications inside the club as well feel free to stop by for one and enjoy the party 

Here is the Landmark for our club! » http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sweets/226/226/22 «

Club Sabotage.jpg

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