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LF: In World Employment


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I'm new to Second Life. I've had an account back years ago but haven't been on in a LONG time. Created this new account and planning to stick around. Looking for Employment.

I am a Male Submissive both In SecondLife as well as IRL. So I am available for that sort of Employment or anything else that might be available.

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Well, for /that/ sort of employment, there are several 'slave auctions' you can find through inworld-search. The way those generally work is you put your name your picture and some basic details on a board, and spend about a week enticing people to bid on you. Then, the next week you get about half of the highest bid, and roleplay with the highest bidder as per the terms you set out on the board.

There's also a different type of slave auction where you get 'captured' do a quick auction scene with whoever happens to be around (the capturer usually getting the bid) then do a single scene with the bidder. You probably wan to make sure you're getting into the first kind, not the second.

Auctions are generally framed as a way to meet up with people you'd like to get together with rather than a way to make money, but if you really worked it you could probably make 1k per week or more.

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1 hour ago, Quistessa said:

Well, for /that/ sort of employment, there are several 'slave auctions' you can find through inworld-search. The way those generally work is you put your name your picture and some basic details on a board, and spend about a week enticing people to bid on you. Then, the next week you get about half of the highest bid, and roleplay with the highest bidder as per the terms you set out on the board.

There's also a different type of slave auction where you get 'captured' do a quick auction scene with whoever happens to be around (the capturer usually getting the bid) then do a single scene with the bidder. You probably wan to make sure you're getting into the first kind, not the second.

Auctions are generally framed as a way to meet up with people you'd like to get together with rather than a way to make money, but if you really worked it you could probably make 1k per week or more.

Although a very good idea, being paid to be a slave does seem a bit of an oxymoron.

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