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Avatar Issue - RESOLVED

Mya Nova

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I looked around and this seems the best place to post this. Please advise or move if I'm wrong. 

I'm having a weird problem and am hoping that one of you knows what's going on and how to fix it, because I'm at a loss.

Before I start with pictures...

  • I have already tried to revert to a default avatar and this issue is still present.
  • I've tried multiple default avatars with the same result.
  • I rebuilt & stripped back down one item at a time with the same result.
  • I've verified, multiple times, what I have on and what I don't. There is nothing going on that's out of the ordinary.

Onto the pics...


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That looks like the default system hair inside the "brow" or "bald" base (also known as "eyebrows" shape or something similar to that).  In the inventory, it's the item with the icon that is a side profile of a head.  

You can search in inventory for "bald" to see if you can find other ones to try - there are quite a few in the system avatar section of the library, and they also often come in folders with mesh heads. 

You can also edit it when it's being worn, if it's modifiable - find the one that you are wearing in the inventory list, right click on it and select "edit".  Once the edit window opens you could try changing the texture to a fully transparent texture (there is a default transparent texture in the library at the bottom of your inventory), or you could try messing around with some of the sliders that might affect hair length. 

I've generally just looked for one in inventory that didn't have anything visible inside, rather than trying to edit the problematic one being worn, but I have seen others talk about editing it. 

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Hey Mya,  that is your system hair poking out of your head. To fix it, go into your brow shaper , if you are in Firestorm, it will have a little hairdo icon. From your inventory, right click and edit it. You'll have several tabs. First thing I always do is go to Style tab and make sure everything is set to zero. Then I make the texture for system hair transparent so you don't see it inside your head.


That should make it go away. 

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  • Mya Nova changed the title to Avatar Issue - RESOLVED
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