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Is there a solution to fix & enable physics to a jet helicopter, that's showing error (insufficient land resources)?


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I have a simple but complex jet helicopter showing error message after engine start, at my home parcel with helipad.

the helicopter won't "lift off" at my home parcel, but will lift off at another airport. I can't figure why the home parcel is not functional with the jet helicopter.

The physics of the plane won't "enable", to keep the plane sitting on the helipad.  Is there a debug setting needed to adjust?

jet heli without error, at engine start.PNG

jet heli error, at engine start.PNG

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9 minutes ago, ral61 said:

I have a simple but complex jet helicopter showing error message after engine start, at my home parcel with helipad.

the helicopter won't "lift off" at my home parcel, but will lift off at another airport. I can't figure why the home parcel is not functional with the jet helicopter.

The physics of the plane won't "enable", to keep the plane sitting on the helipad.  Is there a debug setting needed to adjust?

"Insufficient land resources" means you need more available prim allowance on your parcel.  You only have 18 available. You may need to delete some objects to free up some prim allowance.

32 free prims are enough for most vehicles, but 18 is low.

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9 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

Yeah, but is that 18 available BEFORE or AFTER the helicopter was rezzed?

"After" the helicopter was rezzed, 18 prims were left.

I also "freed up" to 64 prims left, and the plane still won't lift off with physics.

I have other helicopters that don't cause a problem with lift off, but the 2018 CBM Hornet is a problem.

Other ports with "K's (thousands) of available prims, don't cause a lift off problem with CBM Hornet-jet helicopter.

If I "free up" my furniture, bed, & other items, I won't have nothing left but the Towne house I stay in---not good.

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This part specifically

Import/upload the duck model using a physics decomposition. Let's say the resulting decomposition has a physics cost of 13 prim equivalents (it did in my experiment)

After setting the duck to "PRIM" so that it uses the decomposition, the cost is 13

Scale the duck to 10m x 10m x 10m. Its physics cost is still 13

Set the duck Physical. It average face size is 100m^2, so the penalized_cost = 13 * ( 1 + 0.04 * 100 ) = 13 * 5 = 65 prim equivalents.

Note that the penalized cost does NOT affect whether the object can be made physical in the first place. Rest assured that if your linkset has a physics weight of <32.0 prim equivalents when NOT physical you will still be able to set it physical. Of course, if doing so results in the cost going up, something on your parcel may be returned to you if you are over your resource quota.

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