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how to see someone on another grid or across sl

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7 minutes ago, NanR said:


How can I  physically see another avatar from across the grid. Was told it is a normal SL function. Someone is doing that to me so I'm trying to figure how.

If they're within radar distance, you can zoom in and see them.  As far as actually seeing the avatar across the vastness of SL?  No.  They can see if you're online though.  

This thread might have some info for you about what can and cannot be tracked on SL


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1 hour ago, NanR said:


How can I  physically see another avatar from across the grid. Was told it is a normal SL function. Someone is doing that to me so I'm trying to figure how.

It's more than likely someone is using an Online Tracker device. If the person saying they can actually SEE your avatar, but you are unable to see their's, then they might have an alternate avatar logged into a separate viewer that they are watching you with.

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8 hours ago, NanR said:

Someone is doing that to me so I'm trying to figure how.

They might be bluffing, saying they can see you. Challenge them to describe you, then change something and challenge them to describe what you look like now. Lie if necessary, say red is green or blue is yellow. People who play mind-games with you deserve to get played back in return.

Keep an eye on your radar, use the mini-map or the big map (if it works ) to look for green dots in your region or adjacent ones, in case they're just next door with an insane draw-distance set in their viewer.


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