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i constantly get a popup say there is no disk in drive please put disk in drive. h

micalj Luckless

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the game is on my harddrive.  backround.  i used to play for years on an xp operating system.  this started when i bought a  new computer with windows 7.  when it pops up i have to click on continue. or cancel to move on.  i have so far tried clean reinstalls first clearing the caches.  my computer manufacturer..dell says it is a problem with second life not the computer.

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Welcome to Second Life Answers, micalj.

I haven't heard of this issue, with regard to Second Life before. However, I have a Dell computer also, but running with Windows Vista, and I have issues with my DVD driver frequently.  When I get the "there is no disk in drive" message, it usually happens after a Windows Update has caused some kind of conflict in my system.

Silly question here, but are you actually trying to save something to a disk?

Keep this thread up to date please.


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Is it possible that you have more than one hard drive in your computer?  The normal path that any viewer follows is a path on C: drive.  If you changed that to, say driver D: (or whatever drive you second drive is designated) the program should pick up the change.........it sounds as if it did not.  Or maybe you installed SL on some removable media (like a memory stick).........that must be in your computer for the viewer to work.

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I had an issue on my Mac a while back where I got an error message because I installed the viewer from another user account than the one I use when logging in to SL. Could it be a similar issue in this case? Perhaps some issue with user access level (admin or regular user rights)? (I'm not a windows user, so I'm just guessing...)

- Luc -

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