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Unable to be friend !


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Any friendship request from me or others inviting me won't stick! , meaning I or them can except the request but my name don't show up on  our friends list! This avie won't show up on any search either, if friends try to find me. Lucky for me in have contact in RL 

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3 hours ago, LanenaMay said:

Any friendship request from me or others inviting me won't stick! , meaning I or them can except the request but my name don't show up on  our friends list! This avie won't show up on any search either, if friends try to find me. Lucky for me in have contact in RL 

Search is borked in the LL viewer but they should be able to find you in the legacy search in firestorm viewer.  Or pass them your calling card.   Do you have reject all friend requests turned on?  Do they get a message if they try to send a friend request to you?  Are they using your legacy SL name or trying to find you with a display name?  There are a lot of things that could be causing a problem.

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16 minutes ago, LanenaMay said:

thx for your come backs ... I am able to send and receive friend requests...and except, but it just don't stick.. i don't show om their list for long and same for me. thx again.

Can't say I've seen anyone reporting a problem like this.  If it were something effecting a lot of people, we'd be hearing about it in the forums.  As you're only a day old, are these friends you've known for awhile or on another avatar or people you've just met in the first day?

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I have had this same issue (I use Firestorm). If I accept a request that was sent to me when I'm offline, I can see them on my list and then as soon as I log and come back, they no longer appear. If both parties are online, it seems to work. I'm not sure if it has always been this way (I don't think so). 

Edited by Mackenzie Drascol
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