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How to export from blender 2.93.2 to second life avoiding to many bones error


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Hi everyone I have this error on the log of Second life  Mesh import  from my project in blender 2.93.2:

LOD3 Skinning disabled due to too many joints: 133, maximum: 110
LOD3 Skinning disabled due to too many joints: 133, maximum: 110
LOD3 Skinning disabled due to too many joints: 133, maximum: 110

in 2.79 blender there used to be a feature on export to remove bones not wanting to be exported by the model . Nothing I have tried so far gets passed this and I am hopeful somebody more advanced has the answers of how to work around this please the mesh boning  is based on bento angel mesh 'angel_2017-01-09.blend' from the avastar site.

Thank you for looking

Denise X hugs



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I think this is what you are looking for:



However, even if that doesnt work, its pretty easy to just go  to the list of vertex groups and remove what you are not using. For example, if you are making shoes, you probably dont need any of those face bones, or wing bones, tail bones, etc.

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I dont know why that option didnt work either, but this should be very easy to fix. So, as you saw by the error messages, the uploader only allows a maximum of 110 bones weighted for a single rigged mesh, and depending on what you are making, veeeeeeeeery rarely you'll need more than a dozen or so. So heres your options:

- You can use an armature (skeleton) pre-bento... those have less than 110 bones anyway, so even if you weight all of them for some reason, you'll still be able to upload your mesh. I recommend this if you are making simple clothes. (edit: of course this only works assuming you are not using the bento bones)

- You can manually delete the bones that you will not use from the armature, before applying the armature deform to your mesh. Specially if its something that you know you'll use more in the future. For example, if you are making bento rings,  you can just delete everything but the hands (and its parents) and save a copy of that armature for future uses.

- You can manually delete the vertex groups from your mesh even after applying the armature deform. When you do that, the mesh in the collada file will only have the bones you left. Just make sure to only remove the vertex groups that are not being used. An example of a skirt I used in another post:



Edited by npcee
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You can also use Blender's weight clean function. It's in every version back to at least 2.79.

  • Select your object.
  • Go to Weight Paint mode.
  • Click "Weights" menu -> "Clean".

Before you make any other edits, change the live options from Active Group to All Groups. You will also need to change the limit from 0.0 to some very small number, like 0.0001, if the problem is being caused by super-tiny-but-nonzero garbage values like 0.000000938 mixed in with your intentional weights.

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