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Can't change my email address

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42 minutes ago, Natthan Baily said:

Hi No matter what I do I can not update my email address in my account. I just get the error "page cannot be loaded" clicking on the link for support on this gives me the "page not available error, can anyone help please?

If clearing browser cache and trying different browsers did not work, then I'd suggest opening a Support ticket - or if you are Premium, you can use Live Chat:

Create a Support Ticket: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new

Start Live Chat: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
    Live Chat is available 9am to 6pm EST(6am to 3pm PST) every day.


Side note:  The link for Support is at the bottom of every SL web page, under 'Connect with Us' and from your Dashboard, under 'Help' and on the right side of every forum page except for specific threads.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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30 minutes ago, Natthan Baily said:

Problem is I need an email address to open a support ticket and there lies the problem! I can no longer access the one I have registered with my account which is why i am trying to change it :(


In addition to what @panterapolnocysaid, you can still log a support ticket with Support when logged in and just manually keep an eye on the status.  Even if the ticket defaults to using an email that you no longer have access to, you can still view the ticket via the web and read all comments on it.  From your Dashboard, under Help, there is an option for Ticket History. You can use that to monitor tickets that you have submitted, even if you can't get emails telling you that the ticket has been updated.

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No go I'm afraid the support ticket will not accept the new (or any other) email address and wants the one that I regestered the account with (as I thought it would) which I no longer have access to and can't even remember what it was! hence my needing to change it

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1 hour ago, Natthan Baily said:

No go I'm afraid the support ticket will not accept the new (or any other) email address and wants the one that I regestered the account with (as I thought it would) which I no longer have access to and can't even remember what it was! hence my needing to change it


LOG OUT of your Dashboard - https://secondlife.com/my --- and click "Log out" in the upper right corner

Now go here:  https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new 

   If your name shows in the Upper Right, click "log out" and then go back to the page  https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new 

That should give you a screen as shown below:




At that point, you can enter any VALID email address.  It does not have to be one associated with any account. 

For 'Issue Type', there will be only one choice: Account Issue.

Then in the description area, give the account/user name of the account you are having problems with  and give a very detailed explanation of what you are trying to do, what the actual problem is, and what you need.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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