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So at first I was just exploring a club that I was interested in working at and I started lagging and since that always happens I just let the viewer rest for a while and when I came back to the firestorm viewer it was blue........ now, i had this problem before so I didn’t start to panic right away, what I did the other time was that I just went to preferences / skins and I just picked the default options for skins and it was all good but when I tried that this time it did not work I tried using other viewers but did not work so I’m now re installing firestorm and trying some options that I read here in the forums but i would appreciate if you could help me out and put some ideas down for me

I don’t use any kind of GPU or anything like that and i use a windows 10 laptop. 

Another question is, do I need a GPU  just asking because I’ve heard about people using one o I was just wondering do I need it?


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5 hours ago, sandi Mexicola said:

and, you already have a GPU

They said it is a Windows 10 laptop there's a chance it's integrated graphics. Since this has happened out of the blue (sorry) it sounds like an overheating issue? Having already killed my favourite laptop's graphics card due to forgetting to clean out the cat-fluff from the fan intakes I would suggest the OP checks there is adequate air getting into and out of the laptop.

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Another thing, very unlikely I know, that can cause Firestorm to look 'all blue', is if the debug setting 

Developer->Render Metadata->Physics shapes

gets set.  I did it once when trying to click something else, took me an age to find it.


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