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Can we create in-world server by function llRequestSecureUrl() and set it to use specific port

Jerilyn Acajou

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Requests one HTTPS:// (SSL) url for use by the script. The http_request event is triggered with the result of the request. HTTPS-in uses port 12043.

as I read the document, default port for LSP https server is 12043,  Can we change it to another specific port , for ex,  ,88,443 or 8443 ?

The outside world server need only some few specific port and deny to connect to in-world server.



Edited by Jerilyn Acajou
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I don't think so.

Although you can create HTTP servers from inside SL, there's no easy way to find them. There's no SL DNS server that lets you name them. They don't have persistent IP addresses. SL doesn't use IPv6 yet, so there isn't enough address space for that.

This is to some extent intentional. A general web server in LSL is a terrible idea. It's a load on sim resources better spent on in-world tasks.

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Thank animats, I have no problem about sl domain name. I used key value mapping web service to update new sl server URL evervytime it restarted.

I currently can remote control my item from outside world without problem

SL http server use port 12043 as show below.


But only some web service deny to use this port.

I might use relay server between this web service and sl http server to fix this issue, but that is more complicated. I just want to avoid it. 

Edited by Jerilyn Acajou
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