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Stilt Home Railing - Need Newel Post


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Hi everyone. I was happy to land in one of the new stilt homes. I chose the Havana home, which has an open back deck - no railing. I opened the Content Pack and found four sections of railing that could be used around the deck, but no newel post (that tall post that's used on corners and between railing sections). The stilt homes notecard says the content pack includes "a section of railings that you can use to build a safety barrier around your deck or porch to keep people from falling off." But without newel posts, any railing sections I rezz look incomplete. I can't copy-paste the newels from the home's existing railings, so not sure how to obtain newels that match. Does anyone know if the moles have made the newels available somewhere else separately?


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H is new to the forum so doesn't have photo privileges yet. She asked me to take an after-shot so you could see. With the stilt houses finally being rolled out, looks like Mercedes would benefit by putting the post on her Neighborly store :-) Anyways, here goes:


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