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Found a few articles about/mentioning Second Life that are recent. I have not been checking much but have there been many others the past year?





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Haven't been paying too much attention to the news, but now you have me curious as to if they've been actively mentioned on Vice or anything like that..  I know, not really news but they are rather popular.


Edit:  Links from vice dating last year that mention SL.

Virtual reality is going to change live events culture forever

Landlords want to make virtual reality just as hellish as real life

Second life avatar enhancements


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That Yahoo Finance article is going to be hell on us here in SL.  Similar to some articles back in 2007 that started a wave of new accounts, folks will come storming into SL, sure that they are going to make their fortunes here.




1 hour ago, ClariceRose said:

Found a few articles about/mentioning Second Life that are recent. I have not been checking much but have there been many others the past year?





Two of those three articles referred to the company as Linden Labs rather than Linden Lab.  The 'Office' article got it correct in one spot and then messed it up later.  The Yahoo article screwed it up on every reference.


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From one of the articles linked above:

"The gulf in prices between a Second Life kitten (about $3.25) and a Nyan Cat NFT (around $600,000) raises the question of which kind of temperament in the NFT market will outlive the other. It’s difficult to say if the crazier valuations will persist into the near future—just as it’s difficult to say, for instance, what the value of bitcoin will be a year from now. The action feels too new and too superheated to extrapolate."

Yes. Think of NFT's as gatchas that cost serious money, like enough for a car or even a house. Last month's big Make Money Fast NFT concept, "Top Shot", which involved highlights clips from NBA games, had a price crash this month. The NFT thing may be over already.

Over at Upland, for which Tilia provides financial services, we see this: "Our property to USD partnership with Tilia Inc. (the creators of Second Life), which allows Uplanders to sell their properties for U.S. dollars, is now live for a select group of 100 beta testers. All Uplanders will be able to enjoy this feature once the beta is complete, expected in QX. In the future, Uplanders will be able to sell other virtual items, such as NFT art work and cars, for real money."

Now we know where LL management attention is focused. Over at Linden Lab jobs, we can see who's being hired. Zero technical people for SL, but they need two more payments lawyers for Tilia.

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1 hour ago, rasterscan said:

They saying Tilia created second life ?  That's not right, is it ?

No of course not, hence you can't believe everything you read on the Internet LOL. 

Oddly there is very little on the web "now" about Tilia's history -- that I could find anyway. I do remember that Linden Lab bought a company (whether it was named Tilia then I don't remember) that was based in England. There was quite a bit about all that available to read a couple of years ago. It may have been on the Tilia website at that time since I went through that thoroughly.  I did find SOME historical info on Inara's blog where I remember reading some history on Tilia. 


Sorry, page froze and the clip that was supposed to be here is below. 


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There's been quite a few about The Office Ladies podcast mentioning SL, relative to the amount of articles SL tends to get normally. It's probably more because of the popularity of the Office and this podcast than people's interest in SL. 

I've also seen some exploring SL in 2020/2021 to see how active the site is today - this site is going to do an exploration of SL in their "Preserving Virtual Worlds" series. The SL episode isn't out yet, but it's supposed to be about exploring "the limits of virtual spaces as Utopian". 

(The YouTube channel People Make Games also did an exploration of SL on their channel, specifically looking at sex work in The Monarchy, but they're not really a news channel).

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On 2/26/2021 at 2:45 PM, Chic Aeon said:

No of course not, hence you can't believe everything you read on the Internet LOL. 

Oddly there is very little on the web "now" about Tilia's history -- that I could find anyway. I do remember that Linden Lab bought a company (whether it was named Tilia then I don't remember) that was based in England. There was quite a bit about all that available to read a couple of years ago. It may have been on the Tilia website at that time since I went through that thoroughly.  I did find SOME historical info on Inara's blog where I remember reading some history on Tilia. 


Sorry, page froze and the clip that was supposed to be here is below. 



This one?



Tilia Inc appears to be a defunct corporate entity, first registered in 2002, which has been acquired by the Lab. This, and the further registrations of the name across several US states  as a “foreign” entity (meaning the filing is by an existing corporate entity registered in another US state), tended to suggest the Lab might be using the company to leverage certain tax advantages – a common practice among corporations around the world. Further support for this appeared to come from the names of the directors: the Lab’s CFO, Malcolm Dunne, their Legal Counsel, Kelly Conway and, from outside of the Lab, Benjamin Duranske, founder of PayCom Consulting, and LeAnne Hoang, the Lab’s former Chief Compliance and AML Officer.



Tilia Pay, not to be confused with Tilia, Inc which is a food packaging company. 



Apropos of nothing, Kelly should change her name. I kept reading it as Kellyanne Conway. I'm sorry! 😬

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It was not called Tilia PAY until recently.   You can see that easily in the page from Inara's blog as well of course in these forum posts from a couple of years ago.   Here is what the old site was like before it became Tilia Pay 


Not a biggie. Just clarifying as it is a bit confusing.  

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To add even more confusioin!



And now we know the rest of the story on why it was changed to Tilia Pay.

Now where did I put my Food Saver so I can seal my Linden Dollars up in air tight plastic before burying them in my terrain yard.

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On 2/26/2021 at 3:10 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:


Two of those three articles referred to the company as Linden Labs rather than Linden Lab.  The 'Office' article got it correct in one spot and then messed it up later.  The Yahoo article screwed it up on every reference.


I call it 'Linden's Laughs'.  As in 'Soon(tm)'.  And 'We've assigned a programmer to the issue, and hope he'll finish this century'....

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1 hour ago, animats said:

From that article: "The real estate world looks towards a landlord-led model, where large property owners lead the charge, buying up the Metaverse and letting consumers wander around listlessly."

"The Metaverse City Council looks towards the increase in city rates levied on the capital value of property within the city's jurisidiction as a sign of confidence in the future of the city." said the Metaverse City Mayor today


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